By the time building work was completed on Charles's palace, he had only one year left to enjoy it. He died in 1685. For the next 100 years, Windsor went into decline, as successive monarchs chose to spend their time elsewhere. A series of watercolours by the artist Paul Sandby show that by the 1770s, parts of the castle had become almost a public thoroughfare. So what have we got here? This is a rather wonderful cross-section of English life in the 1770s. What's this chap doing? This is a knife grinder, sparks coming off, chimney sweep and tiny boy for going up chimneys. Black from head to foot. Black from head to foot, exactly, contrasting with these posh girls. This is the water carrier, this lady beating her mules, and behind is water. 在查理的宫殿里完成这些工作的时候,他只有一年的时间来享受了。1685年他就逝世了,在接下来的100年温莎城堡走向没落。继位的君主选择到其他地方度假,水彩画家保罗·桑德比于1770年的一系列画作表明这个城堡的一些地方已经成了公共大街了。 从这些画里可以知道什么呢? 这是个很美妙的剪影,画的是1770年代英国的生活方式。 这个男的在干嘛? 这人是磨刀的,擦出一条火花。这个小男孩清理烟囱,从头到脚都黑漆漆的,跟这些漂亮的小美眉相比,这两个确实是漆黑一团。这个是运水工,这位女士在鞭打着驴,后面是水。