While this chat-up is going on, this old crow is looking out of the window saying, "You stop that." Meanwhile, there's a punch-up going on behind this gate which is about to fall off. Fantastic. So it gives the impression of really rather a slightly run-down extension of the town, actually. Yes, indeed. And certainly not a royal castle. By now, the castle was little more than a public thoroughfare. Then, in 1776, George III decided to move the royal household back to Windsor. Though to begin with, they didn't actually live in the castle. Unlike his ancestor Charles II, George III was a much more sober, serious-minded kind of chap with simple taste and a love of the countryside. His nickname was Farmer George. And rather than move into this rambling old castle, he and his family chose to live in a much more modest building that once stood on this very spot, the Queen's Lodge. You can just imagine them gazing out of their window at what would have been a dilapidated old castle, a bit like having an oversized romantic ruin at the bottom of your garden. 他们还在聊着,这只老鸦探出头来,大喊着“别聊了!” 在快脱落的门后面还有打架的~~在斗殴! 太奇妙了! 这些画给人的印象,这就是一座日趋没落的城堡,的确如此。完全不像是一座皇家城堡,现在的城堡,也就是一个公共通道。 1776年,乔治三世决定把皇室居所搬回温莎城堡,实际上刚开始的时候,他们也很少住在城堡里。乔治三世头脑更清醒,也更严谨,他喜欢乡间的简单生活,这点与他的前任查理二世有很大不同,他有一个外号,叫农夫乔治。这里曾经有座房子,被称为女王的小屋。他和他的家人就选择住在这个更简朴的地方,而不是住在凌乱的古堡里。可以想象一下,他们凝视窗外时 看到的就是一座年久失修的古堡,像一片宽阔浪漫的废墟,就在你的花园下方。