Unlike George I and II, both born and raised in Germany, George III was eager to prove he was an English king through and through. He would restore Windsor Castle as a royal home. Repairs began in 1781. George and his family gradually moved into the castle that was always rather short on home comforts. There were no carpets for example, the King thought they were unhygienic. And it was always freezing. Queen Charlotte complained bitterly that, "This is the coldest house that ever existed, and all idea of comfort is vanished with it." George III is often remembered as the King who went mad. It's now thought he suffered from porphyria, a chemical imbalance of the brain that caused bouts of insanity. In fact, when he was well, George was an intelligent, if eccentric man, who appreciated the arts. 与出生成长于德国的乔治一世和乔治二世不同,乔治三世热切地想证明,他一直是英国的国王,他重新把温莎堡作为皇室的家。维修工作从1781年开始,乔治和他的家人逐步搬回城堡里,此前这里一直没有家的舒适。比如说,没有地毯,国王也觉得这里很不卫生,经常也会很冷。夏洛特王后痛苦地抱怨说,“这里就是一座最阴冷的房子,没有一丝一毫的舒适感”。乔治三世国王因其发疯而广为人知,现在普遍认为是卟啉症,一种因脑中化学物质的失衡而导致的精神病症。事实上,在正常的时候,他还挺聪明的,虽然有点古怪,但也挺热衷艺术。