In 1789, when George III was 50 and had recovered from his first serious bout of madness. This glorious china service was commissioned to celebrate his return to health. It's of the finest French Sevres porcelain, and it's a tea and coffee service. And you can see the plates here, each one with a cursive G for George, the coffee cups, the tea cup, and the rather charming slops bowl, as it was known, where you could put the detritus from your plates. And each piece has a celebration of the King, if you like. So here, "Huzza the King is well." Then we have "The Patron of Arts", because George III founded the Royal Academy. Then my particular favourite, "The Best of Fraters". That's supposed to be "The Best of Fathers", but it is French, so I suppose we can allow them the odd spelling mistake. 1789年,乔治三世已经50岁了,也从最初严重的精神病中恢复过来,下令制造了这些精美的瓷器庆祝他恢复健康,都是法国最好的塞夫勒瓷器,有一些茶杯和咖啡杯,可以看到这些盘子,每个都刻有草书字母G,表示乔治,咖啡杯…茶杯…还有非常小巧的碗,可以放一些食物碎屑。每一件瓷器都写着对国王的祝福,这里写着“国王万寿安康”,还有…这个写着“艺术的庇护者”。因为乔治三世建立了皇家学院,有一件我特别喜欢的,写着“最好的Fraters”,猜测应该是写“最好的父亲”,但这句是法语,可以认为是奇怪的拼写错误。