George IV has gone down in history as one of the most unpopular monarchs of all time, bloated, self-indulgent, ludicrously extravagant. But he had an eye for great art, and a real creative vision. And though it made him unpopular at the time, we're reaping the benefits now. Because the Windsor Castle we see today, with its romantic skyline of turrets and battlements, is essentially George's creation. In 1824, George IV commissioned Windsor's most ambitious scheme yet, to transform the castle's hotchpotch of styles into a single gothic invention. Where there were plain walls, he spiced them up with parapets, arrow loops, gargoyles, and pointed gothic arches. 作为素来最不受欢迎的君主之一,乔治四世亦名垂于史。他得意洋洋,放纵不羁,也很滑稽荒唐,铺张浪费,但他确有高雅的艺术眼光,以及真正的创造性思维。尽管他一直不受欢迎,我们仍然获益良多。因为今天我们所看到的温莎城堡,角楼和城垛上一条浪漫的空中轮廓线,就是乔治的创意。 1824年乔治四世在温莎城堡,施行了最雄心勃勃的计划,把城堡杂乱无章的风格,变成单一的哥特式风格。在原来很简易的墙边加装了一些护栏,箭形窗…滴水兽…尖尖的哥特式拱门。