For George, the central Round Tower wasn't dramatic enough, so he added an extra 30 feet in height. His was a romantic idea of how a medieval castle should look. I think George IV is creating a fantasy castle, if you like. It's all about recapturing the past and identifying with those great medieval monarchs. Often the great medieval fighting monarchs, like Edward III, like Henry V. It's his celebration of British history, almost to make people forget that his dynasty, of course, was intrinsically German. But inside the palace, George looked forward, not back. 对乔治来说,城堡中部的圆塔不够壮观,所以他又加高了30英尺!(9.144米)。对于中世纪的城堡应该是一幅怎样的面貌,他有自己一套浪漫的想法,我想乔治四世是在创造一个梦幻城堡。他借鉴了过去的艺术形式,这让他与其他中世纪的伟大君主有所区别,特别是与那些征战四方的君主有很大区别。比如爱德华三世,亨利五世,这是一次英国历史的大庆典。这几乎让人忘记了他的王朝,本质上就是德国裔的。但在宫殿的内饰,乔治是紧跟潮流的。