And, in fact, when you look at it, you can't help but remember that this is a king who soon lost his head, at a dark and uncertain time for the nation. Windsor Castle is full of gems like this. Objects that are not only beautiful in themselves, but are also clues to the lives of the kings and queens who, in their different ways, have helped shape this unique building. The castle's story begins with William the Conqueror. Around 1070, just a few years after he'd invaded England, William chose to build a fortress at Windsor, at the top of a steep chalk cliff. He chose this location for a good reason. This is easily the highest spot for miles around. You'll see the enemy coming from a long way off. And strategically it's important too, commanding the main route west out of London. 事实上,在看这幅画的时候,你不会想到在那个黑暗动荡的年代,这个国王很快就被搬了脑袋。 温莎城堡里有各种精品,这些精品不仅外观漂亮,而且还是见证物,见证了国王和王后不同的生活方式,塑造了独一无二的城堡。 城堡的故事就从征服者威廉开始,大约在1070年,他侵入英格兰后几年,威廉在温莎镇陡峭的白垩悬崖上建立要塞。他选择这个地方是有重要原因的。 这里是制高点,可远眺几英里之外,敌人到来的话,远远就能看到,在战略上也很重要,这里控制着西面进出伦敦的要道。