I think it's fair to say that George IV's motto could well have been, "Never knowingly underspent or understated." And this fabulous ornamental cup is a prime example of that. It's a masterpiece of its kind. It's from Germany, it's silver gilt and exquisitely carved ivory. And it's a hunting scene, so we've got Diana here, goddess of the hunt, surrounded by her sleeping nymphs and various animals associated with the hunt. We've got boars and rabbits here. And then here's Hercules, propping the whole lot up. And then more contemporary hunting scenes round here. Now, the thing is, when George IV bought this, it just wasn't quite splendid enough for him, so he had these ivy leaves added. And also emeralds, rubies and turquoise, just to make it a little bit more splendid. Oh, and these days, the cup has earned itself an affectionate nickname here at Windsor Castle. It's known as The Brain. 公平地说,我认为乔治四世的口号应该是“永不嫌少,永不低调”。这只巨大的观赏杯就是最好的例子它就是一个杰出的艺术品,杯子来自德国是一个精美的镀银象牙雕刻,表现的是打猎的场景,这里有狩猎女神戴安娜。有一群熟睡的仙女围绕着她,还有一堆猎物。如野猪,兔子。这个是赫拉克勒斯,扛着一大推的猎物呈现着越来越多现代狩猎场景。乔治刚买到这个艺术品的时候,对他而言还不是最佳的。所以他加上了一圈常春藤的叶子,还有绿宝石,红宝石,绿松石就为了看起来…更加壮丽。哦,在这些天,这个杯子,得到了一个很亲切的外号,这温莎城堡,它被称为“大脑”。