And this book inside, what is it? That's General Gordon's Bible. Which is from a different period? Yes. General Gordon, the great Victorian military hero, who died at the siege of Khartoum. Yes. It's seen a bit of wear, this Bible, hasn't it? Yes, some people say that that's his blood on that page there. Ooh, ooh, my goodness. But we can't be sure? No. It's a great story, though. Yes, it is. And the section with the clock face is from yet another period, isn't it? Yes. The clock itself is from 1734. So the time of George II. Absolutely. But George IV embellished it with all these scrolls here. Oh, I see, and the dragons. 'Cos he loved the exotic, didn't he? Yes, absolutely. And so we have the clock movement behind here and the organ down here. There's an organ in here? I thought it was a stand. No, it's an organ. It plays ten pieces by Handel, five of which he arranged specially for the clock. Can we hear it? Yes, certainly. 里面有本书,是什么书来的? 那个戈登将军的圣经,是一件不同时代的物品? 是的 戈登将军是维多利亚时代最传奇的军事英雄,他死于喀土穆的围攻战中。 圣经好像有点破损,是吗? 对,有人说那是戈登的血滴在这一页上了。 哦!天哪! 确定是他的血吗? 不确定 但还是挺吓人的 确实~ 时钟正面的这一部分,是不同时期的,是吗? 对。时钟是1734年制造的,那是的乔治二世时期 是这样。 但乔治四世又用卷形纹装修了一遍 哦,是这个龙,我看到了 因为他喜欢外国的东西? 对,是的。 所以在后面有钟表芯,还有一个管风琴 这个是管风琴?我还以为就是个架子! 不是架子,是个管风琴,可以弹奏十首汉德尔的曲子。其中有五首是特别为这个时钟谱写的 可以听下吗? 可以