Oh, that's almost frenetic. That's so fast, isn't it? If I make it much slower, it doesn't get over the whole tune. Oh, I see. Wow. Yes. At the heart of Windsor Castle is a celebration of what George IV saw as his proudest moment. On the 18th June 1815, while George was still Prince Regent, Britain had defeated Napoleon at Waterloo. After 16 years of war, at last there could be peace in Europe. For George, the victory would always feel somehow personal. George sees himself, rather oddly, as the nemesis of Napoleon, although in fact he plays, you know, only as a walk-on role in Napoleon's defeat. His fantasy, increasingly as his reign wore on, was he really was at the Battle of Waterloo and he'd led the charge that won the battle, and of course he was King, so no-one said, "I think you're wrong there." 哦,看着挺乱的,转得很快,是吧? 如果转得太慢,就弹凑不出完整的曲子了 哦,明白 城堡的中部是乔治四世最荣耀之时的庆典场所。1815年6月18日,当时乔治还是摄政王,英国在滑铁卢击败拿破仑经过了16年的转乱之后,欧洲重获和平。对乔治来说,这个胜利在某种程度上是他个人的胜利。很奇怪,乔治把自己当做是拿破仑的劲敌,但实际上,在打败拿破仑的战争中,他只是个跑龙套的。随着他统治时间的流逝,他一直幻想参与了滑铁卢战役,领导军队赢得这场战役。当然,他是国王,也不会有人说“你没参与过战争”。