And the perfect place for George to play out his heroic fantasy was Windsor Castle. This room, today known as the Waterloo Chamber, is the final result of a tribute dreamt up by George IV and, typically, on a monumental scale. He commissioned these portraits of the great and the good, deemed to be key players in the defeat of Napoleon. And George himself is here, of course, he wanted to make sure he was counted among the heroes. But pride of place is given to a magnificent portrait of the Duke of Wellington, who of course led Britain's troops in the final battle against Napoleon. And just look at him. Grand, imposing, every inch a victor, brandishing his sword under a Roman-style triumphal arch. And if you look carefully in the background, you can just see a procession leading up to St Paul's Cathedral for a service of celebration. 让乔治结束他英雄式幻想的最好之地是温莎城堡。这个房间,今天被叫做滑铁卢大厅是乔治四世最后为自己歌功颂德的地方,规模也很壮丽,他下令把自己的肖像画得英武伟岸,使人觉得他是击败拿破仑的关键人物。当然乔治想画像也在这里,他想确保自己被当做英雄,但是荣誉的位置给予了真正的英雄——威灵顿公爵,是他领导英国军队与拿破仑进行最后的决战就是他!高大英武,仪表堂堂,十足的胜利者的派头,挥舞着剑,屹立于罗马风格的凯旋门下。如果你仔细看这幅画的背景,会看到有一支队伍正走向圣保罗大教堂提供庆典服务、