The nation's sense of relief at defeating Napoleon was overwhelming, rather like VE Day in 1945. Before long, there was a national craze for commemorative objects from the war. And one of the strangest mementos, which is kept here at Windsor Castle, is the musket ball that killed Admiral Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar. So this is actually taken from Admiral Nelson's body. But you have part of his uniform and gold braid that came with the musket ball through his body. And also gold braid that's fused to the remains of the musket ball. Oh, yes, you can see the braid actually on the musket ball there. And without wishing to be too gruesome, the reason that is attached to the musket is because as it passed through his body, it took some of the braid with it? That's right, and his uniform. It hit his left shoulder, entered his lung, severed some arteries and lodged in his spine. So he didn't stand a chance, did he? No, he died with his officers on the Victory. 击败拿破仑后,全国上下如释重负。丝毫不亚于1945年欧洲胜利日。不久后,全国流行起了战争纪念物这是其中最奇特的一个保存在温莎城堡,是在特拉法加海战中,击中纳尔逊海军上将的火枪子弹。 实际上就是从纳尔逊上将体内取出来的,还有一部分军服布料和金色穗带,连同火枪子弹一起打了他的身体。金色穗带也融化了就黏在了火枪子弹上, 哦,是的,有一些穗带黏在了子弹上 理解得简单一点,保留这颗火枪子弹就是因为他穿透了纳尔逊上将的身体也黏着他的穗带? 没错,还有他的军服。子弹击中了他的左肩,进入了他的肺部,切断了一些动脉,最终留在了脊椎。 他就没希望得救了? 没希望了,他的副官告诉他战争得胜后就死了。