And of course he's reputed to have said, "Kiss me, Hardy." I don't know if he did or not. Well, according to the accounts, he did. Right. Well, it was clearly an emotional moment. Who took this out of his body? Right, the ship's surgeon was called Dr William Beatty. He took the musket ball and placed it in this locket. Did he wear it? It's believed he did, yeah. And he finally bequeathed it to William IV, who put it with, I think, a lot of pride into the Royal Collection. So it's an extraordinary treasure but very gruesome. It certainly is. George IV didn't live long enough to see his new apartments at Windsor completed. The first monarch who made full use of them was George's niece, Queen Victoria. 他临终前说了句很出名的话“吻我,哈迪”,不知道是不是真说过? 呃…,据记述,他的确说过 是的。这也是很感人的一刻,那时是谁把他救下来的? 当时船上的医生是是威廉·比提,他把子弹取了出来,装在了小盒子里他佩戴这个吗? 相信他是戴了,后他把这个遗赠给了威廉四世。威廉四世把这颗子弹,连同其他的荣誉勋章一起放在了皇家收藏室。这是件奇特的藏品,但却令人觉得可憎。 确实是的。 乔治四世没能活到温莎城堡的新宫殿完工那一天,首先使用的君主是乔治的侄女…维多利亚女王。