It's extraordinary to think that the name the royal family chose, are still known by today, was the name of a building. This building. And they chose Windsor, because it was the greatest symbol they had of Britain's strength and sovereignty. The House of Windsor was one of the few European monarchies to survive the First World War. And one of the most extraordinary objects at Windsor captures that moment of continuity. More than 1,000 of Britain's finest artists and craftsmen created Queen Mary's Dolls' House. It celebrated, in miniature, a very British way of life. One my favourite rooms in the house is actually the wonderful King's Library, here. Look at all the books. I know, aren't they wonderful? All the contemporary authors of the day in Britain contributed a book to the library. And it's an absolutely astonishing record of the 1920s, of that period, of what was being done in literature. 让人意想不到的是皇室选择的这个名字-今天也广为人知的名字是这栋建筑物的名字,就是这栋、他们选择这个名字是因为温莎是英国力量和君权的最高象征。温莎王朝是一战后仅存的为数不多的欧洲君主之一,城堡里一件特殊的物品捕捉到了王朝延续的那一刻,超过1000名英国最好的艺术家和工匠。制作了玛丽皇后的玩偶屋,用缩微的形式赞美着英国的生活方式。 在这个房子中,我最喜欢的一个房间,是这个很漂亮的国王图书馆。 看看这些书。 都很漂亮是吧?那个时代所有的英国作家都向这个图书馆捐赠了书籍。在1920年代的时候,这里收藏的文学作品。