The Dolls' House is an evocative glimpse of a moment in time. Everything in it represents royal daily life exactly as it was in the early 1920s. One of the things that's interesting about the house is it's a real snapshot of life both above stairs and below stairs. Ooh, I love looking at downstairs. Yes, isn't this a wonderful kitchen? And what have we got here? Look, Colman's mustard. Yes, yes. And look at all the copper pots and pans. Yes, it was all perfectly made. And I just wanted to show you the kettle. This is rather fun, because it was actually. You can see, if you turn it over, it was made from a penny, and you can still see the King's head. Oh, yes, there he is. His ear, the most prominent bit. Incredible. And what about all the plates here? Yes, they all have a K on, so they were clearly for kitchen use, not for upstairs. Lest anyone commit the terrible faux pas of taking them above stairs. That's right. And do you know what I really love as well, is the perfect locks on the doors and the little brass light switches. I know, and they're in each room. Again, this shows the exact attention to detail. 这个玩偶屋让人回想起那个时代的一幕,这里的一切都代表着1920年代时皇室的日常生活。这个房子里让人最有兴趣的是真实反映了楼上和楼下的真实生活 哦,我喜欢看楼下的~ 是的,这是个很漂亮的厨房 这里面有什么呢? 看到有科尔曼芥末粉。 对,还有铜壶铜锅。 是的,制作都很精美 我想给你看看这个壶,很有趣的。因为这壶…如果倒过来,你会看到底部是用便士做的,还可以看到国王的头像 是哦,确实有~他的耳朵,就是凸起的一点 不可思议。 还有这些盘子呢? 呃,上面都有个字母K,很明显都是厨房里使用的,不是楼上用的。也是怕其他人拿到楼上去,那是严重的失礼。 对啊! 你知道的,我也很喜欢另外一个很精致的…就是门上的锁,还有用黄铜制作的灯开关。 我知道,每个房间里都有,这些都很确切地展示了细节。