The then Director of the Royal Collection, Sir Hugh Roberts, was part of the rescue operation. On the day of the fire, the afternoon of the fire, I came into the end of this room here, and you could hear the noise of the fire coming through at roof level. How terrifying. It was, and the fire brigade, who were absolutely fantastic, marvellous over fighting the fire, said that this room would go, so would the next-door room, and there was no way of stopping it. The fire brought the whole ceiling down and brought everything else with it, including, of course, this chandelier, which we'd only just put back up after it had been rewired. And that was buried under a huge mound of debris. And the room was really burnt right back to the brick and to the stone and just open to the sky. So what happened in terms of the process of restoring this room? The decision was taken, I think and hope rightly, to put it back as it was and to follow the original designs. 时任皇家收藏室负责人的休·罗伯茨,当时就参与了抢救行动。 起火那天,大火一直烧到午后,我跑到这个房间,在这里也能听到大火燃烧的声音,从顶部呼呼而来。太可怕了。确实可怕。虽然消防队员也英勇奋战,但是他们说这个房间会倒塌,然后是旁边的房间,而且无法阻止。大火把屋顶都烧塌了,屋顶上的东西也都焚毁了,包括这个吊灯。现在的吊灯是后来重新布线以后装上的,当时这里被一推残骸碎片埋没,这个房间也烧得只剩残砖破瓦,能望到外面的天空。 修复这个房间的进展如何? 决定修复这个房间后,我很希望,能够照着原始的设计,恢复原样。