Obviously in 1992, rather different times, so it had to be done presumably with an eye to the budget? Yes, I mean I think the view was that we should try and restore something of the magnificence that George IV was attempting to do but without really spending quite the amount of money that he thought was normal. Without bankrupting the nation. Today, thanks to a team of specialist restorers, you'd never know there'd been such a catastrophe. The fire also led to some surprising discoveries. This is the oldest working kitchen in the country. Now, at first glance, it looks like a very impressive but modern standard industrial kitchen. But then look up and you'll see something quite different, the original medieval timbered ceiling. 那在1992年那段很艰难的时候,可能也需要做个修复的预算? 对,我想需要考虑的是,要尝试恢复乔治四世时期的华丽装饰但是不可能花费大量的资金,别把国家搞破产了! 幸亏有了那一群修复专家,就不会知道有那样一个灾难,这场大火也让人们有一些意外的发现。这个英国尚在用的最古老的厨房。 一眼看上去,令人印象深刻也是很现代化的厨房。