What is faithful to the original, though, is all these heraldic shields on the ceiling, each one representing a Knight of the Garter. And every one has been painstakingly repainted. But if you spot the odd white one, that's not seem've got round to yet. It represents a knight whose colours were removed, because he brought dishonour upon the Order. No building in British history can lay claim to have reinvented itself so often and so effectively. That's what makes it unique among Britain's great buildings. When I look at Windsor now, I don't just see a castle. With its many layers, its years of glory and of neglect, its bits added on, knocked down, embellished, restored, Windsor is the story of the last 1,000 years of our nation. 而忠实于原始设计的就是这些顶部的纹饰盾牌,每一个都代表着嘉德勋章,每个勋章都经过精心重印。如果你认出那个奇特的白色章,不是因为这个章还没有重印,而是这个章的颜色被擦掉了,因为他给勋章带来了耻辱。 在英国的历史上,从来没有一栋建筑物可以如此多次有效地改造,这使之成为英国伟大建筑中最为独特的一座。 我现在看温莎的时候看到的,不仅仅是一座城堡。它的层次,历年的荣光,还有它的废弃,后来的添附和被毁以及华美的装饰,大火之后的修复。温莎城堡就是英国过去千年历史的缩影。