There are 76 of these heraldic creatures in all, such as the bull for bravery, the griffin for vigilance, the unicorn for strength, the swan for grace and perfection. But what makes St George's Chapel so special is the soaring windows. Gothic architecture was all about height and light. And the sheer quantity of stained glass held up by delicate stone tracery makes the interior feel vast and almost supernaturally lit. Once inside, rows of carved stone angels draw the eye up to one of the last great flowerings of English gothic, this magnificent fan vault ceiling, studded with badges of the Knights of the Garter. 共有76尊这样的纹章雕像,有显示英勇的公牛,有警惕的狮鹫怪兽,也有显示力量的独角兽,还有表示优雅和完美的天鹅。 但让圣乔治教堂与众不同的是那些高悬的窗户,哥特式的建筑很强调高度和光线,大量彩色玻璃很精巧地嵌在石制的窗格上,感觉建筑物内部很宽阔,几乎可以超自然地采光。进入教堂,一排石刻的天使像,吸引了无数的眼光。这些英国哥特式建筑的集大成者,耸立于宏伟的扇形天花板上,在嘉德勋章上也嵌入了这样的图案。