The legacy of the Garter has endured. It is now the oldest surviving order of chivalry in the world. But by the 1500s, the medieval world of Edward III was well and truly over. England would enjoy a time of relative peace and plenty. So castles everywhere were falling out of favour. English kings and queens began to value comfort over battlements. But the castles of England, and Windsor among them, were to have one last day in the firing line. By the 1640s, the country was in the grip of a bitter civil war. Castles were once more being used to fight bloody battles. 嘉德勋章一直流传至今,它是当今尚存于世的最古老的骑士荣誉。到了16世纪,爱德华三世所处的中世纪时代已经结束了。英国享有了一段相对和平和富足的时期,城堡也逐渐失宠,英国国王和王后们步出城堡,开始享受城墙外的欢娱。作为英格兰城堡之一的温莎城堡,最后一次成为战争之地。在1640年的时候,英国爆发了一场激烈的内战,温莎城堡再次成为血战的场地。