George III was a man of very simple pleasures, so he disliked all of the very grand ostentation of the court and he much preferred a retired life amongst his family. And he also favoured clean-living and a healthy lifestyle, so he liked very simple foods. There was no roast swan on the table at Buckingham House. It was simple mutton, clear soup, vegetables, milk, tea and very occasionally a glass of cheap claret. One 18th century satirist said that a leg of mutton and his wife were the chief pleasures of his life. Buckingham House was too ornate, just too flash for George III's tastes. So he decided to remove the elaborate gates, the Neptune fountain, and even the statues on the roof. 乔治三世是个简单快乐的人。他不喜欢宫廷里所有的铺张浮华,反而很享受与家人的幽静生活。他过得严谨而健康的生活,喜欢简单的食物。在白金汉宫里,没有烤天鹅,就是简单的羊肉,清汤,蔬菜,牛奶和茶,偶尔有一杯廉价的红葡萄酒。18世纪的一位讽刺作家说,乔治三世的主要生活乐趣就是一只羊腿和他的妻子。 白金汉宫的奢华不符合他的品味,所以他决定移除这扇精致的大门,还有海神喷泉,甚至是屋顶的塑像。