George was eager to learn about the very latest in science and art from all over Europe. Yet surprisingly, he hardly travelled at all. George III's world was in some ways a very small one. He didn't travel very much beyond the courts, and so he didn't even leave Britain. But he wanted to understand the wider world, and that meant collecting information and items from abroad. And so he used agents in places like Italy to purchase art that he could bring back and add to his own collections. Not long after he moved in here, the King heard about an incomparable hoard of artwork up for sale in Venice. After a bit of wheeler-dealing, he paid 20 grand for the lot, and had it shipped over to England. There were Italian landscapes, domestic scenes, but most importantly of all, no less than 50 paintings by the celebrated Italian artist Canaletto, the biggest collection of his work anywhere in the world. This is one of his, a view of the magical city that made him famous. 乔治热衷于学习欧洲各地,最新的科学和艺术知识,但是很奇怪,他几乎不外出旅行 从某些方面来说乔治三世的世界很狭小的。他深居宫中,从来也没有离开过英国。但他想知道更宽广的世界,所以他从国外收集各种信息和成品。他在意大利等地有代理人帮他购买艺术品并带回英国,充实他的收藏。 搬入白金汉宫后不久,乔治三世听说有一批无与伦比的艺术精品准备在威尼斯出售。一系列谋划之后,他花了2万英镑购入这批艺术品, 然后用船运回英国,有意大利风景画,本土风景画。其中最重要的多达50幅,都是意大利著名画家卡纳莱托的作品。这里也是收藏他作品最多的地方,这就是其中一幅,画的是让他成名的那座魔幻城市