He captured the magic of the city in brilliant detail. All the colourful characters of Venetian life were here. More than 50 of Canaletto's paintings would end up in the hands of George III, still today the largest collection of Canalettos in the world. George took his duties as King seriously, whether as patron of the arts or ensuring a sound education for the royal offspring. But his ideas about discipline didn't always go down well with his 15 children. All of George's children were subject to very strict schooling and education. The boys were required to study from about seven in the morning until eight at night, and without any sort of respite or break, really. George instructed the tutors to instil great discipline in them and rebuke the first sign of laziness, and one of the princesses reported the fact that she'd seen her two brothers being held down by their tutors so that they could be whipped like a dog. 他善于捕捉这座魔幻城市的精彩细节,威尼斯多姿多彩的生活都汇于这一幅幅天地。50多幅卡纳莱托的作品,最终都到了乔治三世的手里。今天这里仍然是世界上收藏他的画作最多的地方。 乔治认真履行他作为国王的职责,资助艺术发展,保证皇室后代的教育,但是他规范纪律的想法,并没有很好地传承给他15个孩子。乔治所有的孩子,都被禁锢于严厉的教学和教育之中。男孩子要从早上7点学习到晚上8点,完全没有一刻休息,乔治命令家庭教师给孩子们灌输严格纪律的意识,被瞅见有一丝懈怠就会遭责骂。有个公主说她看到她的两个哥哥在被教师责罚,像狗一样被鞭打。