But George's attempts to pass on his ideas of morality and modest living failed. Perhaps it's hardly surprising that the King's eldest son rebelled. Whereas George III was frugal to the point of stinginess, his son, the future George IV, indulged in every excess to exhaustion. And as for this portrait, well, it's distinctly flattering, because when it was painted, the Prince was actually obese. One MP described him as, "From head to foot, a flaccidity of muscle and rotundity of outline." The Prince of Wales was a man of huge appetites, as is shown by his girth. Of course, as George IV tended to do in other aspects of life, he overdid it. He gave even gluttony a bad name. From about the age of 40 onwards, he was beginning to fray at the edges, and my God, what edges they were. I mean, covering almost everything that he sat upon. 乔治试图把他的道德观念和谦逊的生活方式传承下去,但最终失败。 也许查理三世的长子反叛也不足为奇,乔治三世的节俭达到了吝啬的程度。他的长子,未来的乔治四世,则穷奢极欲,这幅是他的肖像。呃…确实是挺讨人喜欢。但事实上,创造这幅画的时候,他非常肥胖,一位议员这样描述他“从头到脚,全身圆胖,肌肉松弛,” 威尔士亲王的胃口很大,这从他的腰围就能看出,(英王的长子都封为威尔士亲王)。当然,乔治四世想过一个跟他父亲不一样的生活,但他做得过分了,落得个贪吃的名声。到40岁的时候,他的身体就每况愈下。老天,就到了那个程度。我的意思是,身边能吃的东西都吃