Nearly 30 years of building works were reduced to rubble in just a few months, an abrupt end to such a celebrated building. But George had grander ambitions in mind. He would reinvent Buckingham House as a palace that would outshine even Carlton House. And the man he chose for the job was architect John Nash. So began one of the most productive and scandalous building partnerships in London's history. George IV begged the Government for money to reinvent his childhood home. He managed to coax £150,000 out of them for what he called repairs and improvements. But pretty soon, it was clear that George had no intention of sticking to the budget. He and his architect John Nash transformed what had been a quiet royal retreat into a grand palace. Today, that palace is hidden. From the front, what you see is a later addition in white Portland stone. But come behind the facade. 30年的建造工程在短短几个月内,就成了一堆碎石,显赫的宫殿化为乌有。但乔治有更大的雄心壮志,他要彻底改造白金汉宫,使之远胜于卡尔顿宫。他选择了建筑师约翰·纳什来负责这项工作,一个伦敦历史上极富效率但臭名远扬的建筑合作工程就这样开始了。 乔治四世伸手向政府要钱用于改造其孩提时的家,他以维修和改善的名义骗取了15万英镑。但不久,乔治不善预算,钱就花光殆尽。他和他的建筑师约翰·纳什,只好转向皇宫内部的改造。今天,这座宫殿被隐藏着。外观上,你看到的是后来用白色石灰石修整过的