In one room after another, Nash created a virtuoso display of dazzling interior design. Unfortunately for Nash, George IV was a very hands-on client. And Nash despaired that, every time they met, George insisted on new additions and alterations. The vision for the Palace got bigger and bigger, and the budget just spiralled out of control . The King's constant revisions made Buckingham Palace one of the most difficult commissions of Nash's career. How did Nash respond to that? Did Nash think that George IV was in one sense you know, the client from hell because he kept changing all the time, or did Nash just think, "Yes, you know, more is better"? The sense that one gets, and it is only a sense, is that they both well, were old men, and they'd not long to live, either of them. Nash was 73, wasn't he, at this stage? Yes, and the King was in decline, and they must have just said, "Let's do this, because it's what we want to do." And I think Nash thought, " Here is the opportunity to create my masterpiece, and he didn't really care too much about the small print ." I think it's a fantastically theatrical performance of a room, isn't it ? It is. He was the great theatre architect. How would you describe Nash's style? It's a classical style, but it doesn't really stick to the rules of classical architecture. He was a very eclectic, pick-and-mix sort of classical architect . So, the little crowns in this kind of sunburst on the doors, does that come from anywhere? Well, again, I think it is an invention of Nash, and it's a highly suitable sort of festive motif for Buckingham Palace, which I don't think occurred anywhere before. It's almost like a firework, isn't it, with a crown appearing in the sky. Very celebratory. 一个连着一个的房间。纳什眼花缭乱的室内设计,有着艺术鉴赏家一样的展示。但纳什也很不幸,乔治四世是个好为人师的家伙。每次他们相见,纳什都很绝望。因为乔治四世总是要求添加新的东西或做些改变。宫殿的规模越来越大,建筑预算几近失控。 国王不断的调整,使改建白金汉宫的工作成为纳什职业生涯中最艰难的时期。 纳什是如何回应国王的要求的?纳什是不是认为乔治四世就是个很难缠的家伙?因为他老是要改变,又或者是他认为宫殿越大越好? 他得到的感觉也仅仅是他自己感受到的。他们两个都是老人了,已经时日无多。 这个时候,纳什已经73岁了。 对,国王也垂垂老矣,他们一定会那样说。“干吧,这就是我们想要做的” 我觉得纳什也会认为这就是成就我杰作的机会。他不太需要去关心细枝末节的东西,所以就在这个房间里上演了神奇的大戏,是吧? 是的。纳什是位伟大的剧院建筑师。 你会如何描述纳什的风格? 这是种古典的风格,但他并不严格遵循古典建筑的规则。他是位兼具中庸,包容的古典建筑师。 太阳里的那一顶小皇冠是怎么来的呢? 呃……我想是纳什自己的发明。它非常契合白金汉宫节日时的气氛,这种装饰以前从没有出现过,非常像烟花,呈现在天空中的皇冠很喜庆。