At that time, the sovereign was the apex of the world of fashion and of the aristocracy, so that there wasn't this vast difference that you get today with the rock stars on the one hand, the influences of Hollywood, the highly-commercialised world of clothes fashion etc, all of which has sort of broken off into different compartments these days. But in those days, they were embodied in a single person, George IV, and nobody has pulled off that achievement better. But for every connoisseur who admired George's taste, there were far more people outraged by his extravagance. He took no notice, and his spending spree continued unabated. 那个时候,英国是世界潮流和贵族政治的中心。也没有像今天那样有很多的不同,有摇滚巨星,有好莱坞巨大的影响,还有高度商业化的服饰等等。今天所有的一切,都分化成不同的个体。但在那个时代,除了乔治四世,别无他人,能有如此成就。 除了羡慕乔治品味的鉴赏家以外,有更多人对他的奢华感到愤慨但他毫不理会,仍然无节制的花钱。