George IV also commissioned art. Antonio Canova was the most prolific and famous sculptor of the day, especially good at heroic images of power and passion. This imposing statue by Canova is supposed to show George's prowess in war and in love. And here you have Mars, god of war, being tamed, if you like, by Venus, the goddess of love. And even though it's hard marble, it looks wonderfully soft and fleshy. And then just here is this beautiful tender spot, a tiny erotic space, carved out between the two curves, male and female. When George commissioned this, it was meant to represent the pacifying victory of Britain over the warlike Napoleon. But you could also read it in another way. Because in Greek legend, Mars and Venus had a scandalous adulterous affair, and that brings its meaning rather closer to home. Because by this time, George had had five mistresses and a string of illegitimate children. 乔治四世也是位艺术家,安东尼奥·卡诺瓦是那个时代最出名和高产的雕刻家。尤擅雕刻表现力量和激情的英雄人物。这尊威武的雕塑应该是表现乔治,在战争和爱情中的勇猛的你会发现战神玛尔斯在爱神维纳斯面前是如此服帖。尽管是坚硬的大理石,但看上去仍然非常柔软丰满。这里是个敏感部位,狭小的爱欲空间,雕刻出男女两个人的曲线。乔治下令制作这个雕塑是要表现英国对拿破仑战争的胜利。但你也可以用另一种方式来解读,因为在希腊神话中,玛尔斯和维纳斯有不少风流韵事。雕塑所表现出来的意义更接近家庭,因为那个时候,乔治已有五个妻子了,还有一堆的私生子。