The chandeliers that light Nash's rooms were made for George IV by the English glassmakers Parker and Perry. They're cut from the finest leaded-glass crystal to give the maximum sparkle. The thing is strikes me as you walk from room to room in Buckingham Palace is it's just one fabulous chandelier after another. And presumably, anyone coming here could be no doubt that someone who had chandeliers like this was not only fabulously wealthy, but obviously very important. Yes, I mean they are absolutely a status symbol, the sort of peak of opulence, really. I know it's a bit prosaic, but when I look at them I can't help thinking, the nightmare of cleaning them. Well, it's true. They do have to be dusted, so we have this cunning device. I wondered if you wanted to have a go at lowering the chandelier. And it's very high-tech, you just have to press the button. This isn't going to be one of those Only Fools And Horses moments, is it? 在英国玻璃商帕克和佩里的帮助下,纳什在乔治的房间里都装上了水晶灯。他们切割出了最好的铅玻璃水晶以便能发出最耀眼的光芒。 让我感觉震惊的是走进每一个白金汉宫的房间,都有一个巨大的水晶灯,大概来到这里的每个人都不会怀疑,这里的水晶灯不仅仅是显示富有,还是显示它的重要性。 是的。这绝对是身份地位的象征,还有那无与伦比的巨富,可能我的问题有点无趣,但我看着这些水晶灯不禁会想,要清洁这些水晶灯,真是个恶梦。 对,确实是。水晶灯也会脏的,所以我们用上了这种巧妙的工具。你有没有兴趣试下,把水晶灯放下来,非常高科技的,只需要按一下按钮就可以了。 这也只是傻瓜式的工作,是吧?