And you can see it when it moves like that, you can get an idea of the shimmering light and how it must have looked with candles burning. Fantastic little squeaky noise. Oh, it's just stopped. And will it? Oh, there it is again. And will it, it won't just keep going? No, it stops just before it gets to the floor, don't worry. It's very carefully, carefully organised. And presume if you were sitting underneath it as a guest, really occasionally you would get a little splat of hot wax on your shoulder? Well, I suspect you might have done. Only the idea of, honestly, the candle branches have these little drip pans and they were designed to catch the hot wax, but nevertheless, I suspect that some ladies may have got hot wax on their lovely dresses. Gosh, look. Amazing to see it at our level. I know, really close up, the detail. And it gives you a real idea of the size of it, rather than being right up above you. And it just the engineering that's gone into it. 水晶灯往下滑的时候,你会看到灯光微微闪烁,那是燃烧的蜡烛 奇怪的吱吱声 哦,停下来了 这个…… 哦,它又动了 它会一直往下滑吗? 不会的,碰到地板之前会停下来的,不用担心,非常精巧的~ 我想,如果有宾客坐在水晶灯的下面,偶尔会有热蜡滴在他肩膀上。 呃……可能是有过 这些烛台上设计有用来接烛油的滴盘,话虽如此,我想,仍然会有烛油滴落在了一些女士的漂亮衣服上 哎呀~我们这个角度看上去,很美啊! 我很清楚所有的细节,你可以直观感受水晶灯的大小。比刚才仰视时要更好,制作这个肯定是工程浩大。