Building works on the palace dragged on through the final years of George's reign. By the time he died in 1830, costs had more than quadrupled. As soon as the King was dead, his ever-obedient architect John Nash was hauled before the courts to explain the stupendous overspend. He was eventually acquitted, but Nash, who rather hoped for a knighthood, and instead that his career had come to, well, a humiliating end. Eventually, a reluctant Parliament paid up, and building work on the palace was finished, complete with a triumphal arch at the front. 宫殿的建筑工程一直持续到乔治四世统治的最后几年,直到他逝世的1830年,宫殿的建筑费用已经翻了两番。 国王一逝世,那位忠诚的建筑师,约翰·纳什就被拽到了法庭,要他解释建筑费用严重超支的缘由。虽然纳什最终无罪获释,但是这位骑士却以这种羞辱性的方式结束了他建筑师的生涯,最后国会很不情愿地支付了建筑费用,连同宫殿前面的凯旋门最终得以完工。