Albert's plan for Buckingham Palace included new lighting, new heating and new rooms. Most impressive of all was a vast new ballroom. Victoria and Albert loved dancing, and this room was built to host entertainments on an epic scale. It was the biggest room in all of Britain. The original decor is now hidden behind this tasteful but rather more bland white and gold. But in Albert and Victoria's time, it was all the colours of the rainbow. The walls were lined with crimson silks and there were frescoes with dancing figures all around the top. You have to imagine it not as it is now, but in glorious Technicolor. At the time, Albert's decorative scheme was hailed as a triumph, and Buckingham Palace was called the headquarters of taste. 阿尔伯特改造白金汉宫的计划包括更新照明系统,供暖系统,重新设计房间。其中最令人印象深刻的是一间巨大的新舞厅,维多利亚和阿尔伯特都酷爱跳舞。这间舞厅就用来举行大规模的娱乐活动,这曾经是全英国最大的一个房间。现在的装修虽然精致,但白色和金色比较平淡,而原始的装修已经被隐藏于后了。但在阿尔伯特和维多利亚时代,这里全铺满了彩虹般的颜色,墙上挂着深红色的丝绸,屋顶上刻着很多舞者形象的壁画,用现在色彩艳丽的电影画面去想象一下。此时,阿尔伯特的装修成果令人叹为观止,白金汉宫被称为品味的集大成。