The royal couple's costume balls were legendary, and some of Europe's greatest composers performed here. Well, that sounded absolutely magnificent. So, that was the national anthem set to 3/4 time, to the rhythm of a waltz. How did that come about? That's a composition by Johann Strauss the Elder, and it's a suite, which he called Homage To Queen Victoria. And was she a fan? Did she like it? Apparently, she did, according to her diary. She thought it was great, yes. Now, the organ is here in the Ballroom, but presumably when there were balls, it would be orchestras that would play for the waltzes and for the dancing? Yes, that's right. Queen Victoria maintained the court orchestra, which was maintained to play for state occasions, for dinners and banquets, investitures, but also for dances, yes. And she and Albert were very musical, weren't they, even by the standards of the time? Yes, they were. Queen Victoria, like all well-educated young ladies, would've learnt to sing and play, and apparently she did so very beautifully. 这对皇家夫妇举行的时装晚会成了传奇,一些欧洲最优秀的作曲家在这里演奏。 哇!听起来非常雄壮。那是四分之三拍的国歌曲调,华尔兹的旋律,这个作品是怎么来的? 这是老约翰·施特劳斯的作品,是一支组曲,他称为“向女王致敬”。女王喜欢这支曲子吗? 喜欢,她的日记里说的,她很喜欢。现在这架管风琴放在舞厅里,在举行舞会的时候应该有一支管弦乐队。 为跳舞的人演奏吧? 是的,维多利亚女王保留了这支皇家管弦乐队,在有国事活动的时候,家宴,国宴,还有封爵的时候演奏。当然还有舞会的时候, 她和阿尔伯特也很有音乐才华,是吧?甚至是那个时代的标准? 是的。像其他受过良好教育的年轻女士一样,女王也学演唱和演奏,而她也学得极好。