One of Victoria's favourite composers, Felix Mendelssohn, would sometimes play his compositions for her to sing along to. Perfection. I wouldn't go that far. This is what Victoria and Albert would do. Yes. There is a lovely story about Mendelssohn coming to visit Queen Victoria and Prince Albert here at Buckingham Palace, and Mendelssohn sits down at the organ in the private apartments and starts playing that piece, and the Queen walks in in her day dress and starts joining in. Mendelssohn is extremely impressed at how the Queen knows this song of his and knows all the words. And then he wrote home to his mother about it, and says how delighted he was that the Queen sang so beautifully, and then Albert sat down at the organ and started playing one of his compositions, and how impressed he was with Albert's ability as an organist. 维多利亚最喜欢的一个作曲家,门德尔松,有时也会为她演奏自己的作品,还有伴唱。 哦,我找不到词了 太完美了! 水平还不够啊! 维多利亚和阿尔伯特就是那样合唱的! 是的,门德尔松来访时就有个有趣的故事。那时女王和亲王在白金汉宫门,德尔松在内殿里的管风琴旁坐了下来,开始弹起了那一段曲子。女王穿着便服走进来,加入了他的弹唱。女王很就了解这首曲子,也记得所有的歌词,这令门德尔松印象深刻,后来在给他母亲的一封信里说,听到女王唱得如此完美,让他不知道有多高兴。这时阿尔伯特也坐到管风琴边,开始演奏门德尔松的一首曲子,门德尔松被亲王的演奏技巧折服。