He decided to freshen things up by remodelling many of the rooms in bright white and gold, by then a standard colour scheme for royal palaces all over Europe. The Victorian age was over. But Victoria was commemorated by an enormous marble statue of her, seated in imperial splendour at the front of the Palace. When her grandson George V unveiled it in 1911, it's said he was so pleased. He knighted the sculptor, Thomas Brock, on the spot. The Queen Victoria Memorial is a tribute to the longest-reigning monarch in British history. Victoria herself gazes outwards from the Palace that she made the symbolic heart of the monarchy. On the other three sides are Truth, holding a mirror, Justice, holding a sword, and Motherhood, which looks back towards the Palace, where Victoria raised her extended family. And flying high above it all is the figure which represented the true meaning of the Queen's name - Victory. 他也决定改造宫殿的房间,以明亮的白色和金色为主色调来进行重新装修,此后这就成了欧洲皇家宫殿的风格。维多利亚的时代结束了,但人也竖立了巨型大理石雕像来纪念维多利亚。 雕像就坐落于辉煌的帝国宫殿前,直到1911年,她的孙子乔治五世为雕像揭幕。据说他非常高兴,他当场给雕刻者托马斯·布洛克封爵。 维多利亚女王雕像是对这位英国历史上在位时间最长的君主,最好的纪念,维多利亚的目光注视着宫殿的前方,她已然成了英国君主制度核心的象征。在雕像的另外三面,分别是拿着镜子的真理之神,持剑的正义之神,还有面向着宫殿的母亲形象,正是维多利亚女王。在这座宫殿里操持着庞大皇室,在这个雕像顶上,还有一座雕像,它代表着女王名字的真正含义——胜利。