Kids are plugged in more than ever, no matter whether it's music, movies or the Internet. A New Kaiser Family Foundation survey finds young people use media an average of 6 hours and 20 minutes every day. Over the course of a week, that's 44 hours and 20 minutes more than a typical workweek with some overtime. It's more time than they spend in any other activity besides sleeping, including going to school. Other activities paled by comparison. Mom and dad get fewer than 16 hours of quality time with the kids each week. Exercise works out to 10 hours a week and homework shrinks to just 7 hours, right near the bottom of the list. When the kids turn on, it's truly a multimedia experience. They are doubling up on their media use and packing more media into the same amount of time by, eye aiming, while they're flipping through a magazine, while they are watching TV.