[00:02.07]Chapter 5 [00:05.73]After the coffee and sandwiches, Inspector Walsh called Roger Clarkson to the office. [00:14.19]Roger came in and sat down. The Inspector began at once. [00:22.35]'Now, Mr Clarkson. Why was your mother angry with you last night?' [00:31.33]'This house is very big,' Roger said. 'It was a lot of work for Mother. [00:41.09]I wanted her to move. But no, she loved this house and garden. [00:49.91]She didn't want to move.' 'Tell me about your job, Mr Clarkson. [00:58.26]Your mother is dead and now you're rich. Do you need money?' [01:06.86]Roger's face was suddenly afraid. 'What are you saying? I didn't kill my mother. [01:17.95]I need money,that's true. A friend and I want to build ten houses here, in this garden. [01:29.77]We can get a lot of money for them. So. I wanted Mother to sell this house. [01:39.67]It's true. But Mr Briggs wanted half the garden, too, you know, for his farm.' [01:49.41]Inspector Walsh moved a pencil on the table. 'Tell me, what happened upstairs? [01:59.68]You went to your mother's room?' 'Yes, I did. [02:06.11]I wanted to say goodnight to my mother.' 'Did you talk about the house again?' [02:15.71]'Yes, I did. Again, she said no. She loved the house and didn't want to sell it.' [02:26.83]Inspector Walsh watched Roger for a minute. 'I see. [02:33.76]We found the empty bottle of sleeping tablets, Mr Clarkson, in Diane's room.' [02:44.39]Roger's face did not change. 'Oh? Someone put them there. [02:52.08]Diane did not kill my mother, I know that. She found the body.' [03:01.77]'Very well. I would like to see Diane next.' Roger got up and left the room. [03:13.35]Inspector Walsh stood up and put his hands in his pockets. [03:19.27]He went to the window and looked out at the trees. [03:24.87]Why was Roger Clarkson afraid? Was it important? He looked at Sergeant Foster. [03:35.37]'Tomorrow morning, go to Mr Clarkson's office—you have the name,' he said. [03:44.70]'Ask some questions about him, about his job, friends, money.' [03:53.40]Sergeant Foster wrote it down. 'Yes, Inspector.' 'A good day for tennis, Sergeant?' [04:03.31]Sergeant Foster laughed. 'Don't say that. It's not easy, you know. [04:11.91]I don't like sitting here looking at the sun.' [04:16.82]Diane came into the room and sat down. She looked at Sergeant Foster and smiled. [04:27.71]'I saw you at the Tennis Club last month, I think. You play very well.' [04:36.20]Sergeant Foster's face went red. Inspector Walsh looked at him. [04:42.88] 'Oh yes. A fast and exciting player is Sergeant Foster.' [04:49.92]Diane smiled again at Sergeant Foster and his face went redder. [04:57.57]'Well, Miss Clarkson,' Inspector Walsh said, 'I want you to talk about last night.' [05:06.64]Diane stopped smiling. 'Oh, I can talk about last night. I can't stop talking about it. [05:18.38]We were all angry. Mother went to bed early and I made hot milk for her. [05:28.44]We were all in the kitchen, and Peter Hobbs came in. [05:35.67]He nearly broke the back door down.' Diane stopped. 'Yes?' [05:43.74]'He was very angry about a letter. He wanted to kill Mother. [05:52.02]Are you going to talk to him?' 'We're going to talk to everyone.' [05:58.84]'Good. Tom Briggs came into the kitchen, too. Are you going to talk to him?' [06:07.91]I’m asking the questions, Miss Clarkson. When did you take the milk upstairs?' [06:17.36]'I went up after Roger.' She stopped for a minute. Then she began again. [06:27.69]'I didn't like my mother, Inspector. She killed my father, you know. [06:35.93]Last winter, after Christmas, she drove the car into a tree and killed my father.' [06:48.46]Inspector Walsh watched Diane's face carefully. [06:53.97]'I see. So you wanted to kill your mother?' Diane laughed. [07:02.55]'I wanted to kill her, but I didn't. I can tell you a lot of things about this family, [07:14.85]Inspector. Everyone wanted Mother to die. [07:20.37]Uncle Albert wanted her money for his wife, Annie. And then my brother. [07:28.55]He needs a lot of money. He has an expensive house and an expensive car. [07:38.40]And think of Jackie. Do you know that Jackie didn't like Mother? [07:46.79]A long time ago, a nice boy worked here. He was the gardener. [07:55.01]Jackie loved him very much, but Mother said no. [08:00.32]A gardener was not a good husband for a Clarkson girl!' [08:08.16]Inspector Walsh listened quietly. All this was very interesting but was it important? [08:18.41]Perhaps. What a happy family the Clarksons were! [08:29.17]'We found the empty bottle of sleeping tablets in your room,' [08:36.28]Inspector Walsh said quietly. He watched her face carefully. [08:43.26]Diane stood up suddenly, her face angry. [08:48.88]'What? I didn't put it there! I'm not going to listen to this!' She ran out of the room. [09:02.60]'Well, well, well,' Inspector Walsh said. 'She likes you, Sergeant. [09:11.35]You need to be careful.' Sergeant Foster laughed but his face went red again. [09:22.53]'Someone put sleeping tablets in Molly's hot milk,' the Inspector said. [09:31.17]'All the family were in the kitchen last night. [09:36.05]Peter Hobbs and Tom Briggs were there, too. One of them killed Molly.' [09:47.05]Inspector Walsh got his hat and coat. 'Come on. [09:54.92]We need to talk to Peter Hobbs and Tom Briggs. [10:00.84]Let's get some more coffee first. I'd like a sandwich, too. I'm hungry again!'