[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [00:00.99]CHAPTER 3 A FAMILY OF WITCHES [00:07.81]I ran from Malkin Tower, [00:10.95]down the hill into Newchurch. [00:14.59]James followed me. [00:17.58]'I want to go to Read Hall,too,'he said. [00:24.03]We ran through the trees to Sabden Brook. [00:29.59]The noise of the river was beautiful in my ears. [00:35.98]We went along the river to the village of Sabden, [00:40.43]and then it began to rain. [00:44.36]Suddenly,we heard the noise of horses behind us. [00:49.25]We got off the road, and watched the horses. [00:54.57]It was Roger Nowell with some of his men. [01:00.04]They saw us, and Mr Nowell stopped. [01:05.11]'It' s the Device children,' he said. [01:09.22]' What's your name,child?' [01:13.02]'My name is Jennet,' I said. [01:16.54]'We 're going to Read Hall. [01:19.28]I want to talk to you.' [01:23.68]Roger Nowell looked at me with his warm brown eyes. [01:30.77]'Very well,'he said. [01:34.08]'Come home with me, [01:36.09]and we can talk. [01:39.90]'He lifted me up on to his horse, [01:44.19]and the horse moved quickly [01:46.21]along the road to the village of Read. [01:50.47]James ran along behind us. [01:54.90]Very soon,we arrived at Read Hall. [02:00.51]The servant opened the door for us, [02:03.77]and we went into the warm house. [02:09.20]James came in,too, [02:11.99]and sat down next to me near the fire. [02:18.11]Mr Nowell put his black hat down on the table. [02:23.68]'Bring a hot drink and some food for these children, [02:28.61]'he told the servant.' They' re cold and hungry.' [02:36.17]The servant brought bread and hot milk for us, [02:40.61]and James and I ate hungrily. [02:44.82]I felt warm and happy in Mr Nowell' s house. [02:50.48]I wanted to stay there all my life; [02:54.45]I never wanted to go back to Malkin Tower. [03:03.04]When we finished eating, [03:05.43]Mr Nowell looked up from his book. [03:09.81]'You wanted to talk to me,' [03:13.96]he said quietly.'Well, I'm listening.' [03:20.35]I got up ,went across the room and stood in front of Mr Nowell. [03:29.03]' I'm afraid of my mother,' [03:33.13]I began.' I'm afraid because [03:38.20]she' s a witch and she can kill people.' [03:44.70]The room was quiet. [03:48.69]Mr Nowell said nothing, [03:51.71]but his brown eyes were kind. [03:57.54]'My mother and her friends are at Malkin Tower,' [04:03.93]I told him.'They want to go to Lancaster Castle and kill the guards. [04:12.05]They' re going to bring Old Demdike and Alizon home again.' [04:19.20]Mr Nowell got up and left the room. [04:26.15]After some time, he came back with two of his friends. [04:30.37]They all sat down at the table. [04:34.53]'Jennet, I want you to tell me again about your mother and her friends.' [04:42.91]'They want to kill the guards at Lancaster Castle [04:46.99]and bring Old Demdike home to Malkin Tower,' [04:51.05]I said.Then I began to cry. [04:57.19]'Den't cry,'Mr Nowell said kindly. [05:02.65]'We can help you,but we must talk to your brother first. [05:08.35]James!'he called. [05:12.21]'Tell me about your mother. [05:15.28]Is she a witch?' [05:18.79]' She' s a witch. We' re all witches,' [05:23.23]James began.' Old Demdike's a witch. [05:27.55]One night,she went to the church at Newchurch [05:31.21]and got some teeth from dead bodies there. [05:35.24]The Devil talked to her and she brought the teeth to Malkin Tower. [05:40.52]They're under the ground by our door!' [05:45.94]' Old Demdike' s a witch; we know that,' [05:50.58] Mr Nowell said.'Tell us about your mother.' [05:56.86]'Mother' s a witch,' James said. [06:00.46]' She killed Mr Robinson,from Barley village. [06:04.14]She made a clay picture, [06:06.75]and then she broke it, [06:09.24]and Mr Robinson died a week later.' [06:14.93]James smiled at Mr Nowell. [06:18.97]He liked Mr Nowell because [06:21.29]Mr Nowell didn' t shout at him. [06:25.25]'And I'm a witch, too! [06:27.42]I can kill people!' [06:30.22]'No, James!' I cried. [06:33.01]' You' re not a witch! [06:34.88]You don' t kill people!' [06:37.75]' Yes, I do,'James said angrily. [06:43.14]His face went red.' My dog,Dandy, [06:49.02]is the Devil and he killed a man for me. [06:54.82]I wanted a shirt and Mr Duckworth [06:59.07]was going to give me one of his old shirts. [07:02.08]But in the end, he didn' t give it to me and I was very angry. [07:09.39]I nearly killed Mr Duckworth! [07:13.81]But I called Dandy,and he killed Mr Duckworth for me!' [07:22.10]I began to cry.My brother was a witch,too! [07:29.76]All my family were witches! [07:34.92]'Don't cry,Jennet,'Mr Nowell said. [07:39.76]'Someone must take care of you. [07:43.20]You can stay here at Read Hall with me.' [07:50.11]When Mr Nowell' s men brought my mother to Read Hall, [07:55.44]she said nothing at first. [08:00.36]'Tell us about the pictures of clay, [08:03.94]'Mr Nowell said.'My men found pictures of clay at Malkin Tower.' [08:14.80]My mother said nothing. [08:19.12]'Your mother,Old Demdike, [08:23.04]is a witch.Your daughter is a witch,' [08:29.61]Mr Nowell said.'Your son killed Mr Duckworth [08:35.70]because of shirt.Now,tell us about the clay pictures.' [08:45.79]My mother said nothing. [08:50.42]'James told us about Mr Robinson of Barley, [08:55.29]'Mr Nowell said .' Did you kill him?' [09:02.01]Suddenly, my mother' s face went red [09:05.81]and she began to shout at James. [09:09.11]'A good son,you are! [09:10.85]You told this rich man about Jack Robinson of Barley. [09:15.27]Well, you told the truth. [09:18.83]I killed him! I made a clay picture, [09:24.00]and then I broke it, and a week later he died. [09:30.87]I killed him because I hated him.' [09:38.23]She stopped and looked at me . [09:42.05]I wanted to run away [09:44.63]but Mr Nowell's servant stood in front of the door. [09:49.64]Then my mother laughed. 'Jennet Device, [09:57.08]witch' s daughter! You hate us, [10:00.67]I know that. [10:02.90]Well, it doesn' t matter because you're right: [10:08.18]you are different. [10:10.84]You 're my daughter, [10:13.22]but you're not the daughter of my husband. [10:17.82]Your father was a rich man, [10:21.33]but he never gave me money. [10:24.76]A witch' s child,he called you. [10:28.77]And when you were born, [10:31.00]he never came near me again. [10:35.48]Jack Robinson learnt the truth about your father. [10:40.19]He told the villagers of Barley and they called me a bad woman, [10:47.49]but they didn 't call your father a bad man! [10:52.06]Nobody in Barley gave me food again, [10:56.02]because of Jack Robinson. [10:59.83]I hated him,and so I killed him!' [11:08.48]The room was very quiet and my mother laughed again. [11:18.17]My hands felt cold and my face was hot, [11:24.42]but I didn' t cry.When Mr Device died, [11:31.57]I cried for days. [11:35.37]But he was not my father. [11:39.46]I looked at my mother, [11:44.18]at her dirty hair and her ugly face, [11:47.24]at her angry eyes. [11:51.30]I hated her then, [11:54.40]and I hated her for many years.