[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [00:02.55]Chapter 5 [00:05.96]Slowly, Old Mrs White went back into the house. [00:10.38]Her husband looked up and saw something strange in her face. [00:14.96]'What's the matter?'he asked. [00:18.27]'Nothing,'his wife answered, [00:21.12]and she sat down to finish her breakfast. [00:24.70]She began to think about Tom Morris again [00:27.71]and suddenly she said to her husband, [00:31.00]'Your friend drank a lot of whisky last night! [00:34.78]A monkey's paw! What a story!' [00:39.51]Mr White did not answer her [00:41.80]because just then the post man arrived. [00:45.12]He brought two letters for them- [00:47.60]but there was no money in them. [00:50.80]After breakfast the two old people forgot about the money and the monkey's paw. [00:56.89]Later in the day, at about one o'clock, [00:59.94]Mr and Mrs White sat down to eat [01:02.20]and then they began to talk about money again. [01:06.93]They did not have very much money, [01:09.22]so they often needed to talk about it. [01:12.25]'That thirty thousand pounds,' [01:15.26]Mrs White said, 'we need it!' [01:18.97]'But it didn't come this morning,' [01:21.23]her husband answered.'Let's forget it!' [01:25.12]Then he said,'But that thing moved. [01:29.24]The monkey's paw moved in my hand! [01:32.53]Tom's story was true!' [01:35.59]'You drank a lot of whisky last night. [01:38.85]Perhaps the paw didn't move,'Mrs White answered. [01:43.60]'It moved!'Mr White cried angrily. [01:48.16]At first his wife did not answer,but then she said, [01:52.33]'Well, Herbert laughed about it…' [01:56.57]Suddenly she stopped talking. [01:59.15]She stood up and went over to the window. [02:02.00]'What's the matter?' her husband asked . [02:05.98]'There's a man in front of our house,' [02:08.58]Mrs White answered. [02:10.36]'He's a stranger-very tall-and well-dressed. [02:15.21]He's looking at our house… [02:17.82]Oh,no…it's OK…He's going away…' [02:23.02]'Come and sit down! [02:24.94]Finish eating!'Mr White said. [02:29.13]The old woman did not listen to her husband. [02:33.52]'He isn't going away,' [02:35.20]she went on.'He's coming back. [02:38.65]I don't know him-he's a stranger. [02:42.61]Yes, he's very well-dressed…' [02:46.17]suddenly Mrs White stopped. [02:48.66]She was very excited. [02:50.64]'He's coming to the door… [02:52.85]Perhaps he's bringing the money!' [02:55.49]And she ran out of the room to open the front door. [02:59.77]The tall, well-dressed stranger stood there. [03:03.48]For a minute he said nothing, [03:05.36]but then he began,'Good afternoon. [03:09.28]I'm looking for Mr and Mrs White.' [03:12.70]'Well,I'm Mrs White,' the old woman answered. [03:16.79]'What can I do for you?' [03:19.26]At first the stranger did not answer, [03:21.98]but then he said,'Mrs White, [03:25.66]I'm from Maw and Meggins. [03:28.68]Can I come in and talk to you?' [03:32.10]Maw and Meggins had a big factory [03:35.19]and Herbert White worked there on the machinery. [03:38.45]'Yes,of course,'Mrs White answered. [03:42.06]' Please come in.' [03:44.46]The well-dressed stranger came into the little living-room [03:48.20]and Mr White stood up. [03:51.12]'Are you Mr White?' the stranger began. [03:55.42]Then he went on,'I'm from Maw and Meggins.' [04:00.69]Mrs White looked at the stranger and she thought, [04:04.83]'Perhaps he has the money… [04:07.52]but why Maw and Meggins? [04:10.52]And his face is very unhappy… Why?' [04:15.20]suddenly the old woman was afraid. [04:18.98]'Please sit down,' Mr White began, [04:23.02]but now his wife could not wait. [04:25.81]'What's the matter?'she cried. [04:28.70]'Is Herbert…'she could not finish the question. [04:33.54]The stranger did not look at their faces- [04:36.50]and Mr White began to be afraid too. [04:39.68]'Please, tell us!' he said. [04:43.42]'I'm very sorry,' the man from Maw and Meggins began. [04:49.34]He stopped for a minute and then he began again. [04:54.26]'I'm very sorry, [04:56.65]but this morning there was an accident at the factory…' [05:00.98]'What's the matter? [05:02.80]Is Herbert OK?' Mrs White cried again. [05:07.51]'Well…' the man began slowly. [05:11.77]'Is he in hospital? [05:13.96]the old woman asked, very afraid now. [05:17.43]'Yes, but…' the stranger looked at Mrs White's face and stopped. [05:25.40]'Is he dead? Is Herbert dead? [05:31.09]Mr White asked quietly. [05:33.54]'Dead!' Mrs White cried. [05:36.43]'Oh no… please…not dead! [05:40.64]Not Herbert! Not our son!' [05:45.77]Suddenly the old woman stopped [05:48.35]because she saw the stranger's face. [05:51.31]Then the two old people knew. [05:53.99]Their son was dead! [05:57.14]Old Mrs White began to cry quietly [06:00.22]and Mr White put his arm round her. [06:03.72]Sometime later the man from Maw and Meggins said, [06:08.34]'It was the machinery-an accident Herbert called, [06:13.42]"Help!". The men heard him- [06:16.73]and ran to him quickly, [06:19.15]but they could do nothing. [06:21.48]The next minute he was in the machinery. [06:24.77]I'm very, very sorry,' he finished. [06:30.30]For a minute or two the room was quiet. [06:33.85]At last Mrs White said, [06:36.68]'Our son! Dead! We're never going to see him again. [06:42.82]What are we going to do without him?' [06:46.16]Her husband said,'He was our son. We loved him.' [06:53.20]Then Mrs White asked the stranger, [06:56.49]'Can we see him?Can we see our son? [07:00.56]Please take me to him. [07:02.50]I want to see my son.' [07:05.14]But the stranger answered quickly, [07:07.74]'No!' he said.'It's better not to see him. [07:12.51]They couldn't stop the machinery quickly. [07:15.80]He was in there for a long time. [07:18.64]And at first they couldn't get him out. [07:21.29]He was… 'the man stopped. [07:24.55]Then he said ,'Don't go to see him!' [07:29.01]The stranger went over to the window [07:31.66]because he did not want to see the faces of the two old people. [07:35.67]He said nothing, [07:37.26]but he stood there for some time and he waited. [07:41.82]Then he went back to the old people and began to talk again. [07:46.86]'There's one more thing,' he said. [07:50.68]'Your son worked for Maw and Meggins for six years and he was a good worker. [07:56.54]Now Maw and Meggins want to help you at this unhappy time.' [08:02.10]Again the stranger stopped. [08:05.23]After a minute he began again. [08:08.58]'Maw and Meggins want to give you some money. [08:12.75]' Then he put something into Mr White's hand. [08:16.37]Old Mr White did not look at the money in his hand. [08:20.21]Slowly he stood up and looked at the stranger, afraid. [08:24.93]'How much?' Mr White asked, very quietly. [08:30.77]He did not want to hear the answer. [08:33.77]'Thirty thousand pounds,' the stranger said.