[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [00:04.39]Chapter 2 The Race [00:09.27]The Fram went to an island in the south of Norway. [00:14.77]It was a very little island, [00:17.40]with only one small wooden house, [00:20.56]two trees-and nearly a hundred dogs. [00:26.57]'Look at that!'Bjaaland said. [00:30.73]'It's an island of dogs! [00:33.62]There are dogs in the water, [00:35.94]near the trees,on the house-dogs everywhere!' [00:42.36]Two men came out of the house. [00:45.68]'Hassel!Lindstrom!'Amundsen said. [00:50.60]'It's good to see you! [00:53.19]How many dogs do you have for me?' [00:56.25]'Ninety-nine,Roald,'said Hassel. [00:59.80]'The best ninety-nine dogs from Greenland. [01:03.66]And they're very happy! [01:06.06]They don't work; [01:07.53]they just eat and play all day! [01:11.27]They're having a wonderful summer here!' [01:14.85]'Good,good.'Amundsen laughed. [01:18.47]'But that's finished now. [01:20.94]Hey,Bjaaland!Stop laughing-come down here and help me. [01:27.41]Let's get all these dogs onto the ship!' [01:32.38]It was not easy. [01:34.55]The dogs were fat and strong, [01:37.43]and they didn't want to go on the ship. [01:40.85]But at last,after three hours'hard work, [01:46.05]all ninety-nine were on the ship, [01:49.56]and the Fram went out to sea again. [01:54.57]The men were not happy. [01:57.34]The weather was bad,the dogs were dirty, [02:01.57]and some of the men were ill. [02:05.19]They began to ask questions. [02:08.60]'Why are we bringing dogs with us?' [02:12.03]asked one man,Jo- hansen. [02:14.96]'We're going thousands of kilometres south, [02:17.95]past Cape Horn,and then north to Alaska. [02:22.43]Why not wait,and get dogs in Alaska?' [02:28.06]'Don't ask me,'said his friend, [02:30.93]Helmer Hanssen,'I don't understand it.' [02:35.81]The men talked for a long time. [02:39.65]Then,on September 9th, [02:42.83]Amundsen called everyone to the back of the ship. [02:47.10]He stood quietly and looked at them. [02:51.21]Behind him was a big map. [02:54.81]It was not a map of the Arctic. [02:58.46]It was a map of Antarctica. [03:02.71]Bjaaland looked at Helmer Hanssen,and laughed. [03:07.65]Then Amundsen began to speak. [03:12.44]'Boys,'he said.'I know you are unhappy. [03:18.10]You often ask me difficult questions, [03:21.34]and I don't answer. [03:24.49]Well,I'm going to answer all those questions now,today. [03:32.69]We began to work for this journey two years ago. [03:37.72]Then,we wanted to be the first men at the North Pole. [03:44.02]But last year,Peary,an American, [03:48.15]found the North Pole. [03:51.05]So America was first to the North Pole,not Norway. [03:58.43]We're going there,but we're too late.' [04:03.03]'I don't understand this,'Bjaaland thought. [04:08.26]'Why is Amundsen talking about the North Pole, [04:12.71]with a map of Antarctica behind him?' [04:16.43]Amundsen stopped for a minute, [04:20.71]and looked at all the men slowly. [04:24.70]No one said anything. [04:28.78]'We have to go a long way south before we get to Alaska,' [04:34.65]he said.'Very near Antarctica,you know. [04:40.61]And Captain Scott,the Englishman, [04:44.38]is going to the South Pole this year. [04:48.44]He wants to put his British flag there. [04:52.41]An American flag at the North Pole, [04:55.64]a British flag at the South Pole.' [04:59.90]Bjaaland began to understand. [05:04.19]He started to smile and couldn't stop. [05:08.21]He was warm and excited. [05:11.54]'Well,boys,'Amundsen said slowly. [05:17.42]'Do we want the British to put their flag at the South Pole first? [05:23.06]How fast can we travel? [05:26.56]We have a lot of dogs, [05:28.69]and some of the most wonderful skiers on earth- [05:33.20]Bjaaland here is the best in Norway! [05:37.81]So I have an idea,boys. [05:42.07]Let's go to the South Pole, [05:46.26]and put the Norwegian flag there before the British! [05:52.16]What do you say?' [05:56.03]For a minute or two it was very quiet. [06:00.96]Amundsen waited, [06:03.33]and the men watched him and thought. [06:07.28]Then Bjaaland laughed. [06:10.18]'Yes!'he said.'Why not? [06:14.16]It's a ski race,isn't it,and the English can't ski! [06:19.55]It's a wonderful idea,of course!Let's go!'