[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [00:04.60]Chapter 6 A Bad Start [00:10.30]On August 23rd,the Norwegians'sledges were ready. [00:15.68]They took them outside, [00:17.53]and the dogs pulled them across the ice. [00:21.90]The sun came up for half an hour, [00:25.04]but it was too cold:-46°Centigrade. [00:31.69]They could not travel in that weather. [00:35.08]They went back to Framheim and waited. [00:40.52]They waited two weeks,until September 8th. [00:45.71]Then,with the temperature at-37°Centigrade,they started. [00:54.14]They ran happily across the snow to the south- [00:57.89]eight men,seven sledges,and eighty-six dogs. [01:04.05]Only Lindstrom,the cook, [01:06.54]stayed behind in Framheim. [01:11.06]At first everything went well. [01:14.35]They went twenty-eight kilometres on Saturday, [01:17.85]and twenty-eight kilometres on Sunday [01:21.00]It was easy.Then,on Monday, [01:25.53]the temperature went down to -56°Centigrade. [01:31.31]There was white fog in front of their faces. [01:35.13]They couldn't see anything. [01:38.73]But they travelled twenty-eight kilometres. [01:42.48]That night,in their tents, [01:46.28]they nearly died of cold. [01:49.56]Next day,they stopped and made snow houses. [01:54.63]Inside the snow houses,it was warm. [01:58.74]But everyone was unhappy. [02:01.94]'I told you,Roald!'Johansen said. [02:05.60]'Even September is too early! [02:09.31]We can't travel in this cold. [02:13.23]Do you want us to die? [02:15.98]Let's go back and wait for better weather.' [02:21.01]Amundsen was very angry. [02:23.96]He was angry with Johansen, [02:26.14]but he was angry with himself,too. [02:29.35]He knew Johansen was right. [02:33.06]'All right,'he said slowly. [02:37.44]'We can go on to the depot at 80°South, [02:41.73]leave the food there,and then go back. [02:46.39]We can't do more than that.' [02:50.41]It was thirty-seven kilometres to the depot. [02:54.21]The wind was in their faces all day. [02:58.79]Two dogs died on the way. [03:03.06]At the depot,they did not stop. [03:06.75]They put out the food and the flags, [03:09.89]turned round,and went north. [03:14.45]At last the wind was behind them. [03:17.34]The dogs ran quickly, [03:18.95]and the men sat on the empty sledges. [03:21.64]They went faster and faster.It was like a race. [03:25.82]Amundsen was on Wisting's sledge, [03:28.41]and soon he,Wisting, [03:29.87]and Hanssen were three or four kilometres in front. [03:33.28]Soon they were alone. [03:35.65]They travelled seventy-five kilometres in nine hours, [03:39.87]and they reached Framheim at four o'clock that afternoon. [03:44.47]Bjaaland arrived two hours later, [03:48.54]with two more men. [03:51.22]But the last two-Johansen and Prestrud-went more slowly. [03:57.82]Their dogs were tired, [03:59.98]their feet were wet and cold,they had no food, [04:04.74]and they were alone in the dark. [04:08.77]The temperature was-51°Centigrade. [04:14.43]They reached Framheim at midnight. [04:19.86]Next morning,Johansen was angry. [04:23.64]In front of everyone, [04:25.37]he said:'You were wrong,Roald. [04:29.32]September was too early. [04:32.84]I told you but you didn't listen. [04:37.36]And then you left us alone and we nearly died in the cold! [04:44.74]You're a bad captain- [04:47.54]I'm a better captain than you are!' [04:52.01]Amundsen was very angry. [04:55.05]But at first he said nothing, [04:59.41]because he knew that Johansen was right. [05:04.35]Then,that evening, [05:06.90]he gave a letter to Johansen. [05:09.99]It said:You aren't coming to the Pole with me. [05:15.53]When I go south,you can take some dogs [05:19.18]and go east to King Edward Ⅶ Land. [05:23.34]You can go with Prestrud and Stubberud. [05:27.24]You can be the first men to go there- [05:30.39]but not to the South Pole! [05:35.30]The Norwegians stayed in Framheim and waited. [05:39.78]They lay in bed,listened to the wind outside, [05:44.86]and thought about Scott and his motor sledges.