[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [00:16.43]Chapter 6 Kirk O'Field [00:22.55]I had a new man to help me now. [00:26.11]The Earl of Bothwell-a strong,clever man. [00:32.65]He was older than me; [00:34.72]he was not a boy like Darnley. [00:38.39]He worked hard and he could think. [00:42.77]He was a good fighter and he was not afraid of other men. [00:49.09]Perhaps you are like him, James, my son? [00:55.77]In January your father,Darnley,was ill in Glasgow. [01:01.70]I went to see him, and took him back to Edinburgh. [01:08.42]He was unhappy, and afraid of people. [01:13.25]He saw enemies behind every door. [01:17.33]Poor stupid boy! [01:20.88]He said he loved me again. [01:24.23]I was angry, but I felt sorry for him, too. [01:30.03]He was very ill. [01:32.88]'It's not far now, Henry,' [01:35.93]I said.'You can sleep in the castle.' [01:41.01]'No, not there, please, Mary!' [01:45.72]he said.'I don't want to go into the castle. [01:50.45]I'm afraid of it!' [01:53.25]'But where do you want to go?'I asked. [01:58.81]'Find me a little house outside the town, [02:03.12]and stay with me there,'he said. [02:07.11]'We can be happy there.' [02:10.19]So I found him a small house called Kirk o'Field,outside Edinburgh. [02:18.14]He stayed there, in a room upstairs, [02:22.39]and sometimes I slept in a room downstairs. [02:28.31]Darnley was often afraid, [02:31.80]and I visited him every day. [02:35.47]Slowly, he got better. [02:40.51]On Sunday,9th February, [02:43.76]there was a big wedding in Edinburgh. [02:47.86]After the wedding, [02:49.71]Bothwell and I walked out to Kirk o'Field to see Darnley and talk to him. [02:57.25]Everyone sang,and laughed, [03:00.30]and was very happy. [03:04.04]At ten o'clock I was tired. [03:08.99]'Good night, my lords,'I said. [03:12.54]'I'm going downstairs to bed.' [03:15.99]Lord Bothwell put his hand on my arm. [03:20.31]'Your Majesty,'he said.'You can't sleep here now. [03:26.60]Don't you remember? [03:28.79]People are dancing and singing in town tonight- [03:32.99]everyone wants you to go.' [03:35.84]'Oh, yes. I forgot,'I said. [03:41.61]'Of course, people want to see me there. [03:45.44]So, good night, Henry. Sleep well.' [03:51.13]Darnley was very unhappy. [03:55.06]'Please, Mary my love, don't go!' [03:58.79]he said.'Don't leave me here!' [04:04.83]But I did not love him now. [04:07.98]I remembered the night when Riccio died. [04:11.53]So I smiled and said,'Good night,Henry. [04:16.68]Be a man now.don't be afraid of the dark.' [04:24.94]Then I went downstairs with Lord Bothwell. [04:28.74]Outside the house, we met one of Bothwell's men. [04:33.98]He looked afraid, [04:36.28]and there was something black on his face and hands. [04:41.73]'Jesus, man, how dirty you are!' [04:44.54]I said.'Don't come near me with those hands.' [04:49.78]'No, my lady, of course not,'he said. [04:54.95]He looked at Bothwell for a minute, [04:57.84]and then ran away quickly. [05:00.81]I laughed, got on my horse, [05:04.33]and forgot about it. [05:07.01]I tell you before God, James, [05:10.83]I did not kill your father. [05:14.49]It was not me. [05:16.67]I knew nothing about it-nothing! [05:21.92]I sang and danced in town, [05:25.55]and then went to bed in Edinburgh Castle. [05:29.94]Then, at two o'clock in the morning, [05:33.85]there was a sudden noise-a very big BANG! [05:40.47]Everybody heard it all through the town. [05:44.35]'My God!'I said.'What's that?' [05:50.23]Everyone ran out of their rooms.Lord Bothwell was downstairs. [05:56.99]'Don't be afraid, ladies,'he said. [06:01.75]'My men are outside-they're going to see what it is.' [06:08.21]After an hour he came to see me. [06:13.64]'Please sit down, my lady,' [06:16.87]he said.'I have some unhappy news.' [06:22.45]'Yes,my lord.What is it?' [06:26.76]'It's your husband, [06:28.55]Lord Darnley. He is dead.' [06:34.00]'But-how? How did he die? [06:38.76]Who killed him?' [06:42.23]'I don't know, my lady. [06:44.48]That bang-that was his house,Kirk o'Field. [06:51.10]It's not there any more.' [06:54.46]'What? And Darnley was inside?' [06:59.73]'Well, no, my lady, [07:05.19]'Bothwell said slowly. [07:08.38]'My men found him in the garden, [07:13.88]not in the house. [07:16.76]He is wearing only night clothes, [07:20.77]and there is no blood on him. [07:24.49]But he is dead. I am sorry.' [07:29.56]'Take me out there! [07:31.36]I want to see him-now!' [07:35.11]'Yes, my lady.' [07:37.92]I went out to Kirk o'Field in the early morning. [07:42.68]There was no house now-no walls, [07:46.84]no doors, no windows-nothing. [07:53.03]And there in the garden, a long way from the house, [07:58.14]was that poor dead boy, my husband. [08:05.05]I did not love him but I cried then. [08:10.89]He was your father,James, [08:13.44]and I did not kill him. [08:17.69]I don't know who killed him,but he had many enemies in Scotland. [08:27.47]I was very afraid.I, too, [08:31.09]had enemies, and I often slept there. [08:36.10]Perhaps someone wanted to kill me, too.