[00:01.970]Chapter5 The plan to free Jim [00:07.630]When I heard that,I nearly fell through the floor,but it was a big piece of luck. [00:18.530]It was easy for me to be Tom Sawyer because Tom was my best friend. [00:25.860]He and his brother Sid lived with their Aunt Polly up in St Petersburg, [00:32.450]And I knew all about them. [00:36.030]Now I learnt that Aunt Polly had a sister,who was Mrs Phelps. [00:42.080]She and her husband were Tom's Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas. [00:47.420]And Tom was coming down south by boat to stay with them for a bit. [00:52.660]We all sat there talking and I could answer all their questions about the Sawyer family. [01:01.520]I was feeling really happy about this when suddenly I heard a boat on the river. [01:11.000]'Tom could be on that boat,'I thought, [01:16.150]'and he's going to walk in here and call out my name before I can stop him. [01:22.780]I've got to go and meet him.' [01:26.390]So I told the Phelpses that [01:30.190]I would go into town to get my bags, which were at the boat station. [01:35.960]I hurried up the road and before I was halfway to town, [01:41.060]There was Tom Sawyer coming along. [01:45.790]When he saw me, his mouth fell open and he looked a bit white in the face. [01:54.270]'Aren't you dead?'he said.'Everybody said that you were murdered!' [02:01.650]'I'm not dead yet,'I said,'but listen…' [02:07.060]I told him about my adventures,and Tom loved all that. [02:13.420]Then I told him about the Phelpses and that they thought I was Tom Sawyer. [02:20.060]'What shall we do?'I asked him. [02:23.570]Tom thought for a bit,and then he said,'I know. [02:31.280]You take my bags and say they're yours. I'll come to the house in about half an hour.' [02:39.250]'All right,'I said,'but there's another thing. [02:44.700]You know old Miss Watson's slave Jim, who ran away? [02:49.440]Well,he's a prisoner here,and I'm going to help him escape.' [02:55.700]'Jim?'Tom said.'But he's—'Then he stopped and thought. [03:04.920]'Right.I'll help,too,I'll make a really good plan.'He looked very excited. [03:15.290]So I went back to the house with the bags,and Tom came along half an hour later. [03:23.480]He knocked on the door and when his Aunt Sally opened it, [03:28.420]He said he was Sid, Tom's brother. [03:32.380]He wanted his visit to be a surprise for his dear old Aunt Sally,he said. [03:39.720]Well,Aunt Sally was very pleased to see Tom and Sid. [03:47.920]She thought it was wonderful.She and Uncle Silas were really nice people. [03:54.730]When we were alone later,Tom and I talked about Jim's escape. [04:01.780]I said I had a plan,and Tom listened to it. [04:06.610]'It's a good plan,'he said when I finished.'But it's too easy! [04:15.140]It's got to be a real escape,like a real adventure in a story-book. [04:21.850]So we want something difficult and dangerous.Now,listen to this…' [04:29.570]So he told me his plan. [04:33.260]I knew it would be a good one because Tom's plans are always crazy and exciting. [04:41.060]And we sure had a lot of fun with that plan! [04:46.990]We knew that Jim was locked up in a hut outside the house. [04:51.790]Every night we got out through our bedroom window [04:56.240]And dug a hole right under the wall of the hut. [05:00.180]It took us a week,and it was hard work. [05:04.930]We talked to Jim secretly and told him about the plan,and he was really pleased. [05:12.510]We also wrote secret letters to everybody. [05:17.150]Tom said that people always do this in books. [05:22.300]We wrote that there was a gang of slave-thieves coming up from the south. [05:28.310]They wanted to steal Jim and get the three hundred dollars from his owner. [05:34.140]Well,the Phelpses and their friends got very excited, [05:40.190]And on the night of the escape I went into the sitting-room, [05:45.120]And there was a crowd of men in there—all with guns! [05:52.330]I ran and told Tom, and he said that this was really good. [05:59.610]'It's a real adventure now, all right,'he said, very excited. [06:06.640]'Perhaps they'll come after us,and shoot,and we'll all get killed!' [06:14.850]Well,there wasn't time to think about it because it all happened so quickly. [06:22.020]We got Jim out through the hole under the wall,and began to run down to the river. [06:28.550]But the men heard us and came after us. [06:32.610]They began to shoot,and so we ran as fast as we could to the canoe. [06:38.820]We got in it and went over to Spanish Island.My raft was there, [06:45.400]And our plan was to escape on that and go on down river. [06:50.740]'Now,Jim,'I cried,'you're a free man!'We were all very happy, [07:01.540]But Tom was the happiest of all,because he had a bullet in his leg. [07:08.710]When Jim and I heard that,we weren't so happy. [07:13.690]Tom wanted the adventure to go on, [07:17.250]But Jim and I said that a doctor must look at Tom's leg. [07:21.570]Tom was getting angry about this,but Jim said: [07:26.610]'You listen to me,Tom Sawyer.You say I'm a free man now,and perhaps I am. [07:35.270]But old Jim is not going to run away and leave one of his friends with a bullet in his leg! [07:44.350]So I'm staying right here until a doctor comes.' [07:49.000]I knew Jim would say that. He was a good, true friend, [07:55.980]And you can't say that about many people. [07:59.800]Well,that was the end of the adventure,really. [08:05.730]I went and found a doctor in the town. [08:09.270]He was a kind old man,and he said he would go over to the island. [08:15.080]But Tom's leg got very bad,and the next day [08:19.550]The doctor and some other men carried Tom home to the Phelpses' house. [08:24.670]They brought Jim too, and they locked him up in the hut again. [08:30.060]But the doctor said,'Be kind to him, [08:35.270]Because he didn't run away and he stayed to help me with the boy.' [08:41.450]They took Tom up to bed because his leg was really bad, [08:48.710]And Aunt Sally sat with him while he slept. [08:52.030]I didn't want to answer any questions so I kept out of everybody's way. [08:58.710]When Tom woke up the next day,he felt better. [09:03.800]I was in the room and he said to me,'Jim's all right,isn't he?' [09:10.020]I didn't know what to say because Aunt Sally was listening, [09:16.280]And before I could stop him,Tom went on: [09:20.070]'We did it,Aunt Sally.Me and Tom here.We helped Jim escape.' [09:26.730]He told her all about the digging and everything, [09:31.720]And Aunt Sally's mouth was opening and closing like a fish. [09:37.570]Then she got really angry with Tom. [09:41.630]'That slave is locked up again and he's going to stay there.And if I catch you again—' [09:49.840]Tom suddenly sat up in bed.'You can't do that!'he cried. [09:58.880]'Jim was old Miss Watson's slave, but she died two months ago. [10:04.400]Before she died,she wrote that she wanted Jim to be free,and not a slave any more. [10:12.020]Jim's a free man,not a slave! [10:16.500]Well,that was a surprise to me and Aunt Sally!She thought Tom was crazy. [10:25.520]'But Sid,why did you help him to escape,if he was free already?'she said. [10:33.780]'I wanted the adventure,of course!'said Tom. [10:39.310]'We made a really exciting plan and… Oh my!…AUNT POLLY!' [10:49.860]We turned round,and there was Tom's Aunt Polly in the doorway! [10:57.530]That was the second big surprise. [11:01.460]Aunt Sally was really pleased to see her sister, [11:05.630]And jumped up to put her arms round her. [11:08.890]I got under the bed as fast as I could. [11:13.820]There was trouble coming for me and Tom, that was for sure. [11:18.580]Then Aunt Polly said to Tom, [11:22.590]'You always were a terrible boy,Tom Sawyer,and I want to know—' [11:28.390]'But Polly dear,'said Aunt Sally,'this isn't Tom.It's Sid. [11:35.810]Tom was here a minute ago.Where is he?' [11:42.070]'Where's Huck Finn,you mean,' replied Aunt Polly. [11:47.830]'Come out from under that bed, Huck Finn.' [11:51.390]So Tom and I had to explain everything. [11:57.260]Aunt Polly said that Aunt Sally wrote and told her that Tom and Sid were there. [12:02.800]She knew that it wasn't true, so she decided to come and find out what was happening. [12:09.810]But she said that it was true about Miss Watson and that Jim was a free man now. [12:17.100]We got Jim out of the hut and Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas were really nice to him. [12:26.320]Later,Tom, Jim and I had a long talk by ourselves. [12:32.490]Tom talked and talked,and then he said, [12:37.220]'Let's all three of us run away one night, [12:41.200]And go and have adventures in the wild country down south.' [12:46.410]It sounded like a good plan to me.'The only thing is,'I said, [12:54.300]'I haven't got any money to buy the right clothes and things. [12:58.990]All my money back in St Petersburg will be in Pop's pockets by now.' [13:05.560]'No,'said Tom.'Your money's all there.Your Pop never came back.' [13:13.760]'No,and he won't come back,Huck,'Jim said. [13:19.160]'You remember that dead man on the river, [13:22.820]When I said“Don't look at his face”?Well,that was your Pop. [13:29.580]You can get your money when you want.' [13:32.920]Tom's leg is almost better now, and I haven't got any more to write about. [13:40.910]I'm really pleased about that because it was very difficult to write a book [13:46.160]And I won't do it again.But I think I'm going to have to run away before the others, [13:53.440]Because Aunt Sally wants me to live with her. [13:56.790]I'll have to sleep in a bed and wear clean clothes and learn to be good, [14:05.090]And I can't do that again.I've done it once already. [14:12.380]The End [14:14.390]Yours Truly [14:16.380]Huck Finn