[00:00.98]4 A new life on an island [00:06.79]When day came,the sea was quiet again. [00:14.48]I looked for our ship and,to my surprise,it was still there and still in one piece. [00:26.37]'I think I can swim to it,'I said to myself. [00:32.00]So I walked down to the sea and before long, [00:38.05]I was at the ship and was swimming round it.But how could I get on to it? [00:46.99]In the end,I got in through a hole in the side,but it wasn't easy. [00:56.03]There was a lot of water in the ship, [01:00.51]But the sand under the sea was still holding the ship in one place. [01:06.65]The back of the ship was high out of the water, [01:11.68]And I was very tnankful for this because all the ship's food was there. [01:18.34]I was very hungry so I began to eat something at once. [01:24.49]Then I decided to take some of it back to the shore with me. [01:30.22]But how could I get it there? [01:33.06]I looked around the ship,and after a few minutes, [01:39.59]I found some long pieces of wood.I tied them together with rope. [01:46.57]Then I got the things that I wanted from the ship. [01:50.85]There was a big box of food—rice,and salted meat,and hard ship's bread. [02:00.93]I also took many strong knives and other tools, [02:08.09]the ship's sails and ropes,paper,pens,books,and seven guns. [02:20.01]Now I needed a little sail from the ship,and then I was ready. [02:27.50]Slowly and carefully,I went back to the shore. [02:33.90]It was difficult to stop my things from falling into the sea, [02:41.01]But in the end I got everything on to the shore. [02:47.06]Now I needed somewhere to keep my things. [02:52.63]There were some hills around me, [02:56.97]So I decided to build myself a little house on one of them. [03:02.93]I walked to the top of the highest hill and looked down,I was very unhappy, [03:12.32]Because I saw then that I was on an island. [03:16.00]There were two smaller islands a few miles away, [03:21.16]And after that,only the sea.Just the sea,for mile after mile after mile. [03:33.57]After a time,I found a little cave in the side of a hill. [03:40.70]In front of it,there was a good place to make a home. [03:46.18]So,I used the ship's sails,rope,and pieces of wood, [03:52.79]And after a lot of hard work I had a very fine tent. [03:59.55]The cave at the back of my tent was a good place to keep my food, [04:07.81]And so I called it my'kitchen'.That night,I went to sleep in my new home. [04:17.56]The next day I thought about the possible dangers on the island. [04:27.30]Were there wild animals,and perhaps wild people too,on my island? [04:35.83]I didn't know,but I was very afraid.So I decided to build a very strong fence. [04:47.13]I cut down young trees and put them in the ground, [04:53.95]In a halfcircle around the front of my tent. [04:58.93]I used many of the ship's ropes too, [05:03.66]And in the end my fence was as strong as a stone wall. [05:09.82]Nobody could get over it,through it,or round it. [05:15.87]Making tents and building fences is hard work. [05:23.28]I needed many tools to help me. [05:26.89]So I decided to go back to the ship again,and get some more things. [05:35.62]I went back twelve times, [05:40.25]But soon after my twelfth visit there was another terrible storm. [05:46.02]The next morning,when I looked out to sea,there was no ship. [05:54.59]When I saw that,I was very unhappy. [05:59.05]'Why am I alive,and why are all my friends dead?'I asked myself. [06:07.96]'What will happen to me now,alone on this island without friends? [06:15.16]How can I ever escape from it?' [06:19.22]Then I told myself that I was lucky—lucky to be alive, [06:27.60]Lucky to have food and tools,lucky to be young and strong. [06:34.84]But I knew that my island was somewhere off the coast of South America. [06:43.15]Ships did not often come down this coast,and I said to myself, [06:50.07]'I'm going to be on this island for a long time.' [06:55.85]So,on a long piece of wood,I cut these words: [07:02.97]I CAME HERE ON 30TH SEPTEMBER 1659 After that, [07:14.24]I decided to make a cut for each day.