[01:18]Chart 1 [01:20]The case begins [01:24]The September sun was shining brightly into the windws of 221B Baker Street [01:30]and London was enjoying a beautiful late summer [01:35]I had finished my breakfast and was reading the newspaper [01:39] As usually [01:40]Holmes had got up late,and was eating [01:44]We were expecting a visitor at half past ten [01:47]and I wondered whether Holmes would finish his breakfast before our visitor arrived [01:53]Holmes was in no hurry [01:56]He was reading once again a letter he had received three days ago [02:01]It was from Dr James Mortimer [02:04]Who asked for an apointment with holmes [02:07]"Well, Wastson"Holmes said to me [02:10]"I'm afraid that a doctor from Devonshire won't bring us anything of real interest [02:16]His letter doesn't tell us anything about his business [02:20]though he says it's very important. [02:22]I hope we can help him." [02:26]At exactly half past ten there was a knock on our front door [02:30]“Good” said Holmes. [02:33]"Dr Mortimer is clearly a man who will not waste our time." [02:39]We stood up as our visitor was brought into the room [02:43]"Good moring, gentlemen," [02:45]he said ,"I'm Dr James Mortimer, from Grimpen in Devonshire, [02:52]and I think you must be Mr Sherlock Holmes. [02:56] He shook hands with Holmes, who said: [03:00]"How do you do,Dr Mortimer? [03:00]May I introduce my good friend, Dr John Waston, [03:06]Who helps me with my cases [03:09]I hope you will allow him to listen to our conversation [03:13]"Of course" said Mortimer, as he turned to me and shook hands, [03:17]"I need your help very badly, Mr Holmes. [03:22]If it will be useful for Dr Waston to hear what I have to say, [03:26]Please let him stay and listen." [03:30]Mortimer did not look like a country doctor. [03:34]He was very tall and thin. [03:36]He had a long thin nose. [03:39]His grey eyes were bright, [03:41]and he wore gold glasses. [03:43]His coat and trousers were old and worn. [03:47]His face was young [03:49]but his shoulders were bent like an old man's and his head was push forward. [03:54]He took some papers from his pocked, and said: [03:59]Mr Holmes, I need your help and advice. [04:03]Something very strang and frightening has been happening." [04:08]"Sit down, Dr Mortimer" Said Holmes, "and tell us your problem. [04:14]I'll help you as I can."