[00:00.017]Chapter 2. Birtwick Park [00:05.109]I was beginning to grow handsome.My coat was fine and soft, and was a shiny black.I had one white foot,and a pretty white star on my forehead. [00:21.569]When I was four years old,Mr. Gordon came to look at me.He looked closely at my eyes,my mouth, and my legs, and then I had to walk and trot and gallop for him. [00:38.321]'When he has been trained,'Mr. Gordon said to my master,'he will do very well.' [00:46.705]My master liked to train his horses himself before selling them,and the next day my training began. [00:56.371]To train a horse is to teach him to wear a saddle,and to carry a man,woman or child on his back. [01:06.873]The horse must also learn to wear a collar, and to stand still when it is put on;then to have a carriage fixed behind him, and to go fast or slow,whichever his driver wishes. [01:24.097]He must never bite or kick or talk to other horses, and must always do what his master tells him,however tired or hungry he feels. [01:36.587]Like all horses that have grown up,I had to wear a bit and bridle. [01:44.074]A bit is a great piece of cold hard metal, as thick as a man's finger,which is pushed into a horse's mouth between his teeth and over his tongue, with the ends coming out at the corners. [02:03.257]It is held there by straps which go over the horse's head,under his neck,round his nose and under his chin.Reins,which the rider holds,are fastened to each end of the bit. [02:23.577]Slowly, with my master's kind words and gentle ways, I learned to wear my bit and bridle. [02:33.746]Next there was the saddle.My master put it on my back very gently, then fixed the straps under my body, speaking quietly to me all the time. [02:49.378]Then one morning, he got on my back and rode me round the field on the soft grass. [02:58.601]He did this every day until I was used to it. [03:03.769]Then he took me to the village where a man fixed metal shoes on to each hoof. [03:11.833]My feet felt heavy and strange,but I got used to this,too. [03:18.457]There were more new things to wear. [03:22.865]First,a heavy collar on my neck,and a bridle with great side pieces against my eyes,called blinkers. [03:32.808]With these on,I could only see in front of me.But in time I got used to everything,and could do my work as well as my mother. [03:45.665]For a fortnight, my master sent me to a neighbour's farm for another kind of training, which was very useful to me. [03:57.145]One field was next to the railway and had sheep and cows in it, and I was put in among them. [04:06.241]I shall never forget the first train that thundered by, and how I galloped to the far side of the field,trembling with fear at this terrible noise. [04:17.425]But after a few days I cared as little as the sheep and cows when a train passed by. [04:25.449]It was early in May when a man came to take me away to Mr Gordon's house. [04:33.345]My master said,'Goodbye,Darkie.Be a good horse,and always do your best.'I put my nose into his hand and he patted me kindly,and then I left my first home. [04:51.905]Mr. Gordon's house,which was called the Hall,stood in Birtwick Park,near the village. [05:03.409]We went into the Park through a large gate,then trotted along a smooth road between some trees to the house and gardens. [05:15.641]Beyond this were the stables. [05:23.641]There was room for many horses and carriages. [05:25.777]My stable had four good stalls and a large window. [05:31.089]It was very pleasant.The first stall was called a loose box,where a horse is not tied up all the time but is free to move around as he likes. [05:41.937]It is a great thing to have a loose box.The groom put me into it and gave me some oats. [05:50.074]Then he patted me,spoke kindly,and went away.In the stall next to mine stood a little fat grey pony. [06:01.297]'Hello,'I said.'What is your name?' [06:06.337]'Merrylegs,'he said,turning round.'I'm very handsome.I carry the young ladies on my back, and sometimes I take Mrs. Gordon out in one of the carriages.Are you going to live next to me in the box?' [06:25.497]'Yes,'I said. [06:28.169]'Then I hope you are well-behaved,'he said.'I don't like anyone who bites.' [06:34.465]A horse's head looked over from the stall beyond. [06:38.496]It was a tall brown mare, and she did not look pleased.'So it's you who has turned me out of my bx,'she said. [06:48.833]'I'm sorry,'I said,'but the man put me in here,so it is not my fault.I don't want to argue with anyone;I just wish to live in peace. [07:03.385]Later,Merrylegs told me about the tall brown mare. [07:09.177]'Ginger has a bad habit of biting people,'he explained.'One day,she bit James in the arm,and Miss Flora and Miss Jessie, the children, were afraid to come into the stable after that. [07:28.169]If you don't bite, I hope they'll start to come again.' [07:33.876]I told him I never bit anything except grass and could not understand why Ginger bit people. [07:42.057]'No one was ever kind to her before she came here,'said Merrylegs. [07:48.914]'John and James do all they can to please her,and our master is never unkind.I'm twelve years old, and I know that there isn't a better place for a horse all-round the country than this. [08:06.233]John has been here fourteen years and is the best groom there ever was. [08:12.585]And you never saw a kinder stable boy than James. [08:17.097]There was no reason for Ginger to bite anyone.It's her own fault that she did not stay in the box.' [08:24.505]The name of the groom was John Manly.The next morning, he got out his brushes and gave me a good grooming,then put a saddle on me. [08:39.665]He rode me slowly at first,then at a trot, then at a gallop.As we came back through the Park, we met Mr. and Mrs. Gordon.They stopped and John jumped off. [08:56.089]'Well,John, how does he go?'said Mr. Gordon. [09:02.521]'He's a fine horse,sir,'said John.'He's fast,but the lightest touch of the rein will guide him. [09:12.563]They were shooting birds near Highwood,and a gun went off close by. [09:19.225]He pulled up a little,but I just held the rein and he wasn't frightened at all. [09:25.498]It's my opinion he was never frightened or beaten when he was young.' [09:31.346]'Good,'said Mr. Gordon.'I'll ride him tomorrow.' [09:37.098]I remembered my mother's advice, and the next day I tried to do exactly what my master wanted me to do.He was a very good rider,and when he came home his wife was waiting for him at the door. [09:55.745]'How do you like him, my dear?'she asked. [10:01.209]'I have never ridden a more pleasant horse,'answered Mr. Gordon.'What shall we call him?' [10:09.473]'What about Blackbird,like your uncle's old horse?'said his wife. [10:16.657]'He's far handsomer than Blackbird,'said Mr. Gordon. [10:22.369]'Yes,'she said,'he's quite a beauty, and he has a kind, intelligent face.Shall we call him Black Beauty?' [10:34.698]'Black Beauty—why,yes,I think that's a very good name,'said Mr. Gordon. [10:44.001]John went into the stable and told James. [10:53.355]'I'd call him Rob Roy,'said James,'if it did not remind everyone of the past.I never saw two horses more alike.' [11:02.778]'That's not surprising,'said John.'Didn't you know that Farmer Grey's old Duchess was the mother of them both?' [11:13.313]So poor Rob Roy who was killed at the hunt was my brother! Now I understood why my mother was so unhappy when he died. [11:27.379]John was very proud of me,and seemed to know just how a horse feels.And James was kind too. [11:37.505]A day or two later,I went out in the carriage with Ginger.I wondered how we would get on together, but I found it easy to trot along beside her. [11:52.105]Merrylegs was a happy little pony and was everyone's favorite.We were soon great friends and I became quite happy in my new home.