One October afternoon, Jo caught a bus into the town and stopped outside a building in one of the busy streets. She went in, looked up the stairs and, after a minute, ran out again. She did this several times, to the great amusement of a young man who was watching from the opposite side of the road. But the fourth time, Jo gave herself a shake and walked up the stairs. 10月的一天下午,琼乘公共汽车到了镇上,在座落在一条繁华大街上的一幢楼前停了下来。她走了进去,向楼梯上望了望,片刻,又跑出来。她这样反复了好几次,使得在街对面看着她的一个年轻人感到很有意思。可是第四次,琼鼓了鼓勇气,走上了楼梯。 The young man crossed the road and waited. It was Laurie. Ten minutes later, Jo came running out, but did not look pleased to see him. 那个年轻人过了马路等候着。那是罗瑞。10分钟之后,琼跑了出来,可看上去不太高兴见到他。 'What are you doing here?' she said. “你在这儿干什么?”她问道。 'I'm waiting to walk home with you, 'he said. 'I've a secret to tell you, but first you must tell me yours. ' “我在等着跟你一起回家,”他答道。“我有个秘密要告诉你,可你得先告诉我你的秘密。” 'You won't say anything at home, will you?' said Jo. “你什么也不会对家里人讲,是吗?”琼问。 'Not a word, promised Laurie. “一个字也不说,”罗瑞发誓说。 'I've left two of my stories with a newspaper man, 'said Jo, 'but I'll have to wait until next week before I know if they will be printed. ' “我给一个报纸编辑留下了两篇我写的故事,”琼说,“可我还得等到下个星期才会知道它们会不会被发表。” 'Miss March, the famous American writer!' said Laurie, throwing his hat into the air and catching it. “马奇小姐,著名的美国作家!”罗瑞说道,一边把他的帽子扔到空中,然后又接住。 Jo looked pleased. 'Now, what's your secret?' 琼看上去高兴起来。“那么你的秘密是什么?” 'You remember Meg lost a glove at the picnic?' said Laurie. 'Well, I know where it is. ' “你还记得麦格野餐的时候丢了一只手套吗?”罗瑞说,“哎,我知道它在哪儿。” 'Is that all?' said Jo, looking disappointed. “就这个吗?”琼说,看上去挺失望。 'Wait until I tell you where it is, 'he said. “别急呀,等我告诉你它在哪儿,”他说。 'Tell me then, 'said Jo. “那告诉我吧,”琼说。 Laurie whispered three words in Jo's ear. 罗瑞在琼耳边小声念叨了三个字。 She stared at him, looking both surprised and displeased. 'How do you know?' 她盯着他,看上去又惊又喜。“你怎么知道的?” 'I saw it. ' “我看见的。” 'Where?' asked Jo. “在哪儿?”琼问。 'Pocket. What's wrong, don't you like it?' “兜里。怎么了,你不喜欢这个消息吗?” 'Of course not. It's stupid! What would Meg say if she knew?' “当然不。这太愚蠢了!麦格知道了会说什么?” 'You mustn't tell anyone, 'said Laurie. “你谁也不许告诉,”罗瑞说。 'I didn't promise, 'Jo reminded him. “我没发过誓,”琼提醒他说。 'I thought you would be pleased, 'he said. “我以为你会高兴呢,”他说。 'Pleased at the idea of someone coming to take Meg away?' said Jo. 'No, thank you. ' “为有人来要带麦格走而感到高兴吗?”琼说,“不,谢谢。” She ran off down the hill, but Laurie came after her and reached the bottom first. She came up behind him, her face red and her hair blowing in the wind. 她跑下山坡,可罗瑞追上了她并在她之前到达了坡底。她从他后面走过来,脸红红的,头发飘在风中。 'That was fun!' she said, forgetting her crossness in the enjoyment of a good run. “这真有意思!”她说,她已因为奔跑的快乐而忘记了她的不愉快。 At that moment, someone passed by, then stopped and looked back. It was Meg. 就在那时,有人从他们身旁经过,然后停了下来朝后看。那是麦格。 'What are you doing here?' she said when she saw Jo. 'You've been running, haven't you? Jo, when will you start to behave like a young lady?' “你在这儿干什么?”她看到琼,问道:“你刚才奔跑来的,是吗?琼,你什么时候才能像个年轻的淑女?” 'Don't make me grow up yet, Meg, 'said Jo, looking sad. 'It's hard enough having you change so suddenly. ' “别让我长大,麦格,”琼说,看上去挺伤感。“看见你突然的改变就够难的了。” Meg was growing into a woman, and Laurie's secret made Jo realize that Meg would leave home one day, perhaps soon. 麦格正在成长为一个妇人,罗瑞的秘密使琼意识到麦格有一天会离开家,也许很快。 Two Saturdays after Jo had gone secretly into town, Meg saw Laurie chasing Jo all over the garden before the two of them fell on the grass, laughing and waving a newspaper. 两个星期后的星期六,琼悄悄去了镇里,麦格看到罗瑞满花园地追逐琼,然后两人都倒在草地上,笑着舞动着一张报纸。 'What can we do with that girl?' said Meg. 'She never will behave like a young lady. ' “我们该把那个女孩子怎么办呢,”麦格说,“她永远也不会像个淑女。” Minutes later, Jo came in with the newspaper. She sat down and began to read it. 几分钟以后,琼手中拿着报纸走了进来。她坐下来开始读那份报。 'Are you reading anything interesting?' asked Meg. “你是在读些有趣的事吗?”麦格问。 'Only a story, 'said Jo. “只是个故事,”琼答道。 'Read it aloud, 'said Amy. 'It may amuse us. ' “大声地读,”艾米说,“它没准会逗我们开心。” Jo began to read very fast, and the girls listened. It was a love story about two people called Viola and Angelo, and most of the characters died in the end But the girls enjoyed it, and Meg even cried a little at the sad parts. 琼开始很快地读,孩子们倾听着。那是个关于两个名叫维奥拉和安尼鲁的人的爱情故事,大多数人物在结尾时都死去了。可女孩子喜欢它,麦格甚至在听到伤感的段落时还哭了。 'Who wrote it?' asked Beth, watching Jo's face. “谁写的?”白丝问道,看着琼的脸。 Jo put down the newspaper. 'I did, 'she said, her eyes bright and shining. 琼把报纸放下。“我写的,”她说,她的眼睛亮闪闪的。 'You?' said Meg, surprised. “你?”麦格吃惊地说。 'It's very good, 'said Amy. “这太好了,”艾米说。 'I knew it!' said Beth. She ran across and put her arms around her sister. 'Oh, Jo, I am so proud!' “我就知道!”白丝说。她跑过去用双臂搂住她的姐姐,“噢,琼,我真骄傲!” And how proud Mrs March was when she was told. 当马奇太太被告知这件事时,她也特别骄傲。 Everyone began to speak at the same time. 'Tell us all about it. ''How much did you get for it?' 'What will Father say?' 'Won't Laurie laugh!' 每个人都开始异口同声地说:“告诉我们这一切吧。”“为这篇文章你得了多少钱?”“爸爸会怎么说?”“怪不得罗瑞笑呢!” So Jo told them all about it, and that evening there was no happier or prouder family that the Marches. 于是琼就把一切讲给她们听,那天晚上,没有比马奇一家更快乐的家庭了。