[00:28.93]Chapter 2: David is sent away to school [00:35.69]I was very unhappy during this time. [00:37.91]Mr Murdstone insisted on my studying, and so my mother gave me lessons. [00:45.43]In the past she and I had enjoyed our studies together, [00:49.78]and she had taught me a lot in her gentle way. [00:53.95]But now both Mr and Miss Murdstone were present during my lessons, [01:00.11]and somehow I could not concentrate or remember what I had learnt. [01:06.05]My poor mother was very sympathetic,and tried to encourage me,sometimes even whispering the answer to me. [01:16.12]But the Murdstones had sharp ears. [01:20.03]"Clara,my love!" Mr Murdstone used to say crossly. “ [01:24.19]"Remember!Be firm!You' re making the boy's character worse by helping him like that!" “ [01:31.79]"Oh,Edward, I'm sorry,"my mother replied,looking embarrassed and hanging her head like a guilty child. “ [01:42.44]One morning when I arrived in the sittingroom as usual for my lesson, [01:48.66]I saw that Mr Murd stone had a thin stick in his hand. I could not take my eyes off it. [01:57.82]"You must be very careful today, David," he said with his unpleasant smile, “ [02:05.25]holding the stick in both hands. I knew what would happen then. [02:11.81]A terrible fear took hold of me, and all that I had learnt disappeared immediately from my memory, [02:20.30]so that I could not answer any of my mother's questions. [02:25.28]Mr Murdstone got up from his chair. [02:29.19]"Well David,"he said heavily, "I think you've worried your mother enough today. “ [02:36.53]We'll go upstairs, boy. Come,"and he picked up the stick. [02:43.17]I heard my mother crying as we went upstairs. "Please,Mr Murdstone!"I cried. [02:51.52]"Don't beat me!I've tried to learn,really I have, sir!" “ [02:56.81]But he did not listen to me. In my bedroom,he held my arms and started hitting me with the stick. [03:05.57]I managed to get hold of his hand, and bit deep into it. [03:11.08]He cried out angrily,and began to hit me as hard as he could.Above the noise of my screams, [03:21.79]I could hear my mother and Peggotty crying outside the door. [03:26.87]Then the next moment, he was gone. I heard him lock the door. [03:33.66]And I was lying,sore and bleeding, on the floor. The whole house seemed suddenly very quiet. [03:45.08]I stayed there for a time, without moving. [03:51.61]In the evening Miss Murdstone brought me some bread and milk, [03:57.39]which she left on the floor beside me,frowning angrily at me as she went out. [04:04.10]I was kept locked in that room for five days and nights, [04:09.90]and saw nobody except Miss Murdstone, who brought me food but never spoke to me. [04:17.43]To a small boy, the five days seemed like years, [04:23.91]and I can still remember how frightened and guilty I felt. [04:29.91]But during the fifth night I heard a strange noise at the key-hole. [04:36.71]It was Peggotty,trying to give me a message. [04:40.78]"Master David,my dear,"she whispered, sobbing,"they are going to send you away to?boarding?school! Tomorrow!" “ [04:51.24]"Oh Peggotty!" I cried."Then I won't see you and mother very often!" “ [04:57.36]"No, my love. But don't forget, I'll take care of your mother. She needs her cross old Peggotty! “ [05:08.16]I'll stay with her,although I hate these Murdstones. [05:14.91]And remember,David, I love you as much as I love your mother,and more. And I'll Write to you." [05:25.53]"Thank you,dear Peggotty!"I whispered back, tears rolling down my face." “ [05:34.23]Will you write to your brother too,and Ham,and little Emily, “ [05:38.83]and tell them I'm not as bad as the Murdstones think? [05:44.11]And send my love to them,especially little Emily?" [05:50.64]Peggotty promised to do what I asked. [05:54.26]The next morning Miss Murdstone told me that because of my wickedness, I was going away to school. [06:03.03]She had already packed my case for me.My mother was only allowed to say a very quick goodbye to me, [06:11.52]when the horse and cart arrived the driver put my case on the cart, and we drove slowly out of Blunderstone. [06:20.65]I was still sobbing loudly when suddenly I saw Peggotty running after us on the road. [06:29.48]The driver stopped and waited for her.With difficulty she climbed up onto the cart. [06:37.24]"Here, Master David!" she cried breathlessly. “ [06:41.74]"A little present from me and your dear mother!Take care of yourself, my dear!" “ [06:49.54]She put a small purse and a paper bag into my hands, [06:54.75]and held me so close to her fat body that I thought I would never breathe again. [07:01.51]Then she jumped down and ran back along the road to the village. [07:08.06]As we continued our journey, I dried my tears and looked at what she had given me. [07:15.70]The bag was full of Peggotty' s special cakes, and in the purse were eight bright shilling coins. [07:24.73]Thinking of my mother and Peggotty made me start crying again,but just then the driver,Mr Barkis,began to talk to me. [07:37.02]He was a large,red-faced man, who clearly found conversation difficult. [07:44.52]"Did she make those cakes?" he asked slowly, having finished the one that I had offered him. “ [07:55.83]"You mean Peggotty, sir? Yes, she does all our cooking." “ [08:02.61]"Does she?" replied Mr Barkis with great interest. “ [08:08.58]There was a long silence while heconsideredhis next question. [08:15.56]"Does she have a young man?"he asked."You know,someone who wants to marry her?" “ [08:26.88]"Peggotty?A young man?"I repeated,surprised."Oh no,she's never had any young men." “ [08:38.09]"Ah!" replied Mr Barkis,looking very pleased. Again he thought for a long time before speaking. “ [08:49.86]"Well,"he said at last,"perhaps if you write to her—will you be writing to her?You could give her a message from me. “ [09:06.53]You could say 'Barkis is willing'.Would you do that?" [09:15.30]"'Barkis is willing'," I repeated innocently, wondering what the message meant. “‘ [09:24.55]"Yes,of course. But you could tell her yourself, Mr Barkis, when you return to Blunderstone tomorrow." “ [09:32.41] [09:45.65]After this conversation Mr Barkis was completely silent for the rest of the journey. [09:53.90]When we arrived in Yarmouth,I bought paper at the hotel and wrote this letter to Peggotty: [10:01.89]My dear Peggotty, I have arrived safely in Yarmouth. Barkis is willing. Please give my love to mother. [10:13.46]Yours,David P.S. He says it's important—Barkis is willing. [10:24.58]In Yarmouth I was put on the long-distance coach to London,and travelled all through the night. [10:32.63]At the coach station in London I was collected by a teacher, Mr Mell, [10:39.58]and taken to Salem House, the school which the Murdstones had chosen for me. [10:46.22]The school was a large old building with a dusty playground, [10:52.47]surrounded by a high brick wall. It looked strangely deserted. [10:58.15]I was very surprised to find that none of the boys were there, and was told that they were all on holiday, [11:07.32]and that I had been sent there during the holidays as a punishment for mywickedness. [11:13.88]The headmaster and teachers were on holiday too,all except for Mr Mell, who had to look after me. [11:23.06]I spent a whole month in thatmiserableplace,doing my lessons in the dirty,empty classroom, [11:33.17]which smelt of old food and unwashed boys. [11:36.83]Every evening I had to eat my supper with Mr Mell,and then go straight to bed. [11:45.68]The worst thing was the sign I had to wear round my neck. [11:49.82]It said: BE CAREFUL! HE BITES. I was only allowed to take it off when I went to bed. [11:58.90]Although I was extremely lonely and unhappy at this time,I was not looking forward to meeting all the other boys. [12:08.60]I felt sure they would laugh at me and especially at the sign I was forced to wear. [12:14.79]But one day Mr Mell told me that the headmaster, Mr Creakle, had returned, and wanted to see me. [12:24.00]So I went,trembling,to his part of the house. [12:28.94]I realized at once that Mr Creakle lived much more comfortably than the boys or the teachers. [12:35.86]He was a small,fat man with a purple nose,who was sitting in an armchair with a bottle and a glass in front of him. [12:45.58]"So, this is the boy who bites, is it?" he asked unpleasantly."I know your stepfather, boy. “ [12:54.24]He's a man of strong character,he is. He knows me,and I know him. [13:02.77]Do you know me? Answer me,boy!"He pulled violently at my ear. [13:09.05]"Not yet, sir," I answered, tears of pain in my eyes. “ [13:15.71]"Ah,but you soon will!Oh yes, I have a strong character too,you'll see!" Hebangedhis hand hard on the table. “ [13:28.56]I was very frightened,but I made myself ask the question I had beenconsideringfor a whole month. [13:37.18]" Please, sir, I'm very sorry for what I did to Mr Murdstone. Could—could I take this sign off,before the other boys see it..." “ [13:51.85]Mr Creakle gave a sudden,terrible shout and jumped out of his chair. [13:58.26]I did not wait to see whether he was going to hit me, but ran out of his room and hid in my bed for the next hour. [14:08.58]However, the boys were not as cruel to me as I had feared. [14:15.95]I made a friend almost immediately, a boy called Tommy Traddles, who was known to be the unluckiest boy in the school. [14:24.93]I was also noticed, and even smiled on, by the great James Steerforth,one of the oldest boys, at least six years older than me. [14:37.44]He was a handsome,intelligent, curly-haired young man, [14:43.15]who had become an important figure at the school,with great influence over the younger boys. [14:49.15]"How much money have you got,Copperfield?" he asked me. “ [14:54.10]"Eight shillings,Steerforth,"I answered,remembering the present my mother and Peggotty had given me. “8 [15:02.06]"You'd better give it to me. I'll take care of it for you," he offered in a friendly way. “ [15:09.69]I opened Peggotty's purse and turned it upside-down into his hand. [15:15.16]"Perhaps you'd like to spend some of it now?"he suggested,smiling." “ [15:20.68]A bottle of wine, a tin of biscuits, a few cakes, that sort of thing? “ [15:27.66]I can go out whenever I like, so I can buy it for you." [15:32.13]"Ye-es,that' s very kind of you,"I said, although I was a little worried that all my money would disappear. “ [15:43.19]When we went upstairs to bed, I realized that all my money had been spent, [15:50.25]as eight shillings' worth of food and drink was laid out on my bed in the moonlight. [15:57.41]Of course I did not want to eat and drink it all by myself, [16:03.33]so I invited Steerforth and the others tohelp themselves. [16:08.43]The boys were very willing, and we spent a pleasant evening, sitting on our beds,whispering to each other. [16:16.13]I discovered that the boys all hated Salem House, which they considered one of the worst schools in the country. [16:26.85]They especially hated Mr Creakle, [16:29.80]who was in the habit of beating them regularly with a heavy stick which he carried with him at all times. [16:37.34]The only boy he dared not beat was Steerforth. I admired Steerforth even more when I heard this. [16:46.36]When we were all too tired to stay awake, Steerforth got up to go. [16:53.11]"Goodnight,young Copperfield, " he said, putting a hand on my head."I'll take care of you." “ [17:01.00]"It's very kind of you," I replied gratefully. “ [17:05.10]"You haven't got a sister, have you?"he asked sleepily. “ [17:09.65] [17:14.77]If you had one, I'm sure she'd be a pretty, bright-eyed little girl. I would have liked to meet her." [17:23.54]I thought of him a lot that night,with his laughing, handsome face, and his careless, confident manner. [17:33.69]I could never have imagined what a dark shadow he would throw over the lives of people who were dear to me. [17:42.51]I stayed at Salem House for three more months.Although one or two of the teachers,like Mr Mell, were kind to us boys, [17:55.38]and tried to teach us properly,we were too afraid of Mr Creakle and his stick to concentrate on our studies. [18:04.04]But Tommy Traddles and I cheered each other up if we were beaten, [18:09.23]and I was lucky enough to be friendly with the great Steerforth,in spite ofthe difference in our ages. [18:17.16]However, my home, even with the Murdstones there, seemed a much pleasanter place than school, [18:25.76]and I was glad when the Christmas holidays arrived, [18:29.35]and I was allowed to return to Blunderstone. [18:32.55]I was a little surprised to find that my mother had a new baby, and I could see at once that she was not well. [18:41.96]She looked tired and worried,and very thin. But she and Peggotty were delighted to see me, [18:51.43]although they dared not show it if the Murdstones were present. [18:55.82]My stepfather and his sister seemed to hate me even more than before, if that were possible, [19:04.37]and they made my life quite miserable whenever they could. [19:09.05]In fact, I was almost pleased when it was time to return to school, and see Traddles and Steerforth again. [19:18.26]As the cart drove away,I remember my mother standing outside our house,with her baby in her arms, smiling sadly at me. [19:30.19]That was the last time I saw her,and that is how I shall always remember her.