[00:00.500] [00:18.500] Sit you down, loyal comrades [00:23.570] Sit you down for a while [00:27.980] Til I spend my last hours in Erin's green isle [00:37.640] Come fill up your glasses and we'll drink hand in hand [00:47.090] For tomorrow I'll be leaving the shores of Lough Bran [00:56.570] [00:56.820] There's my father and mother, you can now hear them sigh [01:04.000] [01:07.240] With their tears all bewailing, it would moisten your eye [01:16.430] But I will assist them, please God if I can [01:25.990] Far away from lovely Erin and the shores of Lough Bran [01:52.630] [01:52.880] In the incoming morning, I will bid you adieu [02:02.440] To Leitrim, Drumshanboe, and sweet Carrick too [02:12.460] But no matter what fortune I might make far away [02:21.920] My thoughts shall be with you by night and by day [02:31.250] [02:31.500] My thoughts shall be with you while life's course it is planned [02:32.100] [02:40.730] Far away from lovely Erin and the shores of Lough Bran.