[00:09.700]Bustopher Jones is not skin and bones [00:13.900]In fact, he's remarkably fat [00:18.200]He doesn't haunt pubs [00:20.300]he has eight or nine clubs [00:23.050]For he's the St. James Street cat [00:26.950]He's the cat we all greet [00:29.300]As he walk down the street [00:31.680]In his coat of fastidious black [00:36.150]No common-place mousers have such well cut trousers [00:40.700]Or such an impeccable back [00:45.070]In the whole of St. James's the smartest of names is [00:50.000]The name of this Brummell of cats [00:54.250]And we're all of us proud to be nodded or bowed to [00:58.900]By Bustopher Jones in white spats [01:03.250]In the whole of St. James's the smartest of names is [01:07.600]The name of this Brummell of cats [01:12.300]And we're all of us proud to be nodded or bowed to [01:16.600]By Bustopher Jones in white spats [01:27.250]My visits are occasional to the senior educational [01:33.500]And it is against the rules [01:38.600]For any one cat to belong both to that [01:44.450]And the Joint Superior Schools [01:50.300]For a similar reason, when game is in season [01:55.800]I'm found, not at Fox's, but Blimp’s [02:00.900]I am frequently seen at the gay Stage and Screen [02:06.700]Which is famous for winkles and shrimps [02:12.200]In the season of venison I give my Benison [02:17.800]To the Pothunter's succulent bones [02:23.200]And just before noon's not a moment too soon [02:28.500]To drop in for a drink at the Drones [02:36.500]When I'm seen in a hurry there's probably curry [02:41.800]At the Siamese or at the Glutton [02:47.100]If I look full of gloom then I've lunched at the Tomb [02:53.300]On cabbage, rice pudding and mutton [02:57.900]In the whole of St. James's the smartest of names is [03:02.550]The name of this Brummell of cats [03:07.000]And we're all of us proud to be nodded or bowed to [03:11.300]By Bustopher Jones in white spats [03:25.100]So much in this way passes Bustopher's day [03:29.500]At one club or another he's found [03:33.700]It can be no surprise that under our eyes [03:38.000]He has grown unmistakably round [03:42.200]He's a twenty-five pounder [03:44.800]Or I am a bounder [03:46.500]And he's putting on weight every day [03:50.900]But I'm so well preserved because I've observed [03:55.000]All my life a routine and I'd say [03:58.900]I am still in my prime, I shall last out my time [04:03.650]That's the word from this stoutest of cats [04:07.500]It must and it shall be spring in Pall Mall [04:12.550]While Bustopher Jones wears white [04:15.150]Bustopher Jones wears white [04:17.400]Bustopher Jones wears white spats